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iRubric: Mental Health Case Study rubric

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Mental Health Case Study 
The student will research, analyze and develop a case study presentation that shows proficiency in applying principles and models of assessment, case conceptualization, theories of human development, and concepts of normalcy and psychopathology leading to a diagnosis and appropriate counseling treatment plans.
Rubric Code: B24774A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Psychology  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Internship Case Study Rubric
  Distinguished: 4


Proficient: 3


Emerging: 2


Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1



Distinguished: 4

- All relevant biographical information is clearly stated and accurate.
- Biographical information discusses a wide range of areas of the client's life including developmental stage, family, education, social support, financial status, and anything else that seems pertinent to that client's life history.
Proficient: 3

- Biographical information is clearly stated and accurate.
- There is some diversity in the areas of the character's life that are discussed.
Emerging: 2

- Biographical information is included, however lacks breadth and depth.
- Few categories are discussed or incorporated.
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1

- Content is incomplete; there is minimal information on the background of the client.
- Biographical information is non-existent or very unclear.
Mental Health Issues

Distinguished: 4

-Accurately identifies clinically significant mental health issues for this client.
- All symptoms the client is experiencing are stated and clearly explained.
Proficient: 3

-Omits minimal clinically significant mental health issues and/or identifies minimal issues as clinically significant that are not.
- The symptoms the client is experiencing are stated.
Emerging: 2

-Omits clinically significant mental health issues and/or identifies issues as clinically significant that are not.
- Some symptoms are included.
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1

-Considerable difficulty identifying clinically significant mental health issus and/or cannot discern what is significant and what is not.
- Very few or no symptoms are included

Distinguished: 4

- Assessment and understanding of client in terms of current status and presenting problems are organized meaningfully in relation to psychosocial history and vocational history.
Proficient: 3

- Current status and presenting problems are organized in relation to psychosocial history and vocational history.
Emerging: 2

- Ideas are present, but not well supported in relation to psychosocial history and vocational history.
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1

- The student does not display an understanding of the relationship between presenting problems, psychosocial history and vocational history.
Treatment Planning & Recommendation

Distinguished: 4

Includes measurable long term goals and short term objectives relevant to the identified problems. Includes interventions used that are relevant to the short term objectives, and treatment recommendations within the continuum of care that are appropriate to the severity of client's symptoms.
Proficient: 3

Most long term goals and short term objectives are measurable and relevant to the identified problems. Most interventions used are relevant to the short term objectives, and treatment recommendations within the continuum of care are mostly appropriate to the severity of client's symptoms.
Emerging: 2

Some long term goals and short term objectives are measurable and relevant to the identified problems. Some interventions used are relevant to the short term objectives, and treatment recommendations within the continuum of care are somewhat appropriate to the severity of client's symptoms.
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1

Long term goals and short term objectives are not measurable and/or relevant to the identified problems. Interventions used are not relevant to the short term objectives, and treatment recommendations within the continuum of care are not appropriate to the severity of client's symptoms.
Strengths/Needs, Systems

Distinguished: 4

Thorough assessment of strengths/needs of client, family, peers, school, and community including relevant cultural factors and developmental/
environmental factors.
Proficient: 3

Assessment of strengths/needs of client, family, peers, school, and community may neglect a few relevant cultural factors and developmental/
environmental factors.
Emerging: 2

Mediocre assessment of strengths/needs of client, family, peers, school, and community that includes few relevant cultural factors and developmental/
environmental factors.
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete: 1

Poor assessment of strengths/needs of client, family, peers, school, and community that does not include relevant cultural factors and developmental/
environmental factors.

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