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public rubrics, Humanities rubrics
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1 rubric Queen Mab Visual Representation Rubric       popup preview  
Students will use illustrations or a digital collage to demonstrate their understanding of Mercutio's speech in Act 1 - Scene 4 (p.53 & 55). Students will pick 6 lines from the speech and illustrate each line on a physical poster or a Canva collage. Please note, if you decide to do this assignment using Canva, you need to download the document as a pdf. and email it to your teacher, or attach it to the appropriate Google Classroom assignment post when you turn it in.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Argumentative Paper       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Oral Video Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
For this assignment, students are expected to create a video presentation, no more than 4 minutes, pertaining to specific prompts that they choose from. This rubric is to grade the end result of this video, and will change depending on the students prompt and subject.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Oral Video Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
For this assignment, students are expected to create a video presentation, no more than 4 minutes, pertaining to specific prompts that they choose from. This rubric is to grade the end result of this video, and will change depending on the students prompt and subject.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Gingerbread House       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
6 rubric Other Forms of Energy       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5   9-12  
7 rubric Rubric       popup preview  
This course will have two main parts: discussion and practice. In discussion, you will be expected to dialogue clearly and engage with others. In practice sessions, you will be expected to present your topic.

Grade levels:  
8 rubric Blocking Notation and Scene (beginner)       popup preview  
Students will block a scene as a group that is non verbal. Every actor must enter the stage, do something and then exit. It should be clear what is going on in the scene even though there are no words. After students block the scene, they must write down the blocking notation together. They will then perform their scene. The scene performed and the blocking notation should match up

Grade levels:   6-8  
9 rubric Oral Video Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
For this assignment, students are expected to create a video presentation, no more than 4 minutes, pertaining to specific prompts that they choose from. This rubric is to grade the end result of this video, and will change depending on the students prompt and subject.

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric Concept Paper       popup preview  
Write a 3-5 page research paper on a chosen topic.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
11 rubric Non-fiction Text-Features UN Poster       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
12 rubric Religion - Ten Commandments Project       popup preview  
The students will work on a poster in Canva. The poster will contain the student's own Ten Commandments for something that is important to them.

Grade levels:   6-8  
13 rubric Leader Research Project       popup preview  
Students choose a leader from their era of study and conduct research and complete a biography research paper of the person's life.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric CSAS 6th Grade Argumentative Essay Rubric       popup preview  
The attached rubric supports Writing Standard 1 under the Common Core State Standards. This rubric was specifically designed with Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences in mind.

Grade levels:   6-8  
15 rubric CSAS 6th Grade Argumentative Essay Rubric       popup preview  
The attached rubric supports Writing Standard 1 under the Common Core State Standards. This rubric was specifically designed with Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences in mind.

Grade levels:   6-8  
16 rubric Evaluate and Judge: Analysis of Chosen Literary Themes       popup preview  
Thoroughly Evaluate, Analyze and Judge the main idea of a Chosen work or Text and explain said thorough evaluation.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad   Post Grad  
17 rubric Challenge #2-Media and Communication       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
18 rubric Challenge #2-Media and Communication       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
19 rubric evaluando la Historieta       popup preview  
Esta rúbrica evalúa la creación de una historieta considerando cinco criterios principales: narrativa, desarrollo de personajes, creatividad, elementos visuales y uso del lenguaje. Cada criterio mide la claridad de la historia, la profundidad de los personajes, la originalidad, el diseño visual y la corrección del texto, con una escala de puntuación del 1 al 4, que permite brindar una retroalimentación detallada y fomentar la mejora continua del trabajo.

Grade levels:  
20 rubric Tik Tok Video Rubric       popup preview  
This is a general Rubric

Grade levels:   9-12  

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