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public rubrics, Political Science rubrics
Gallery of Political Science rubrics. Access a list of public rubrics made by our members. Copy rubrics to your zone. Bookmark rubrics for future use Build, share, exchange, and reuse rubrics. Find rubrics by category and type.

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Found 15265 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 20 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Types of Government       popup preview  
Rubric for evaluating student presentations on different types of governments

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Rubric       popup preview  
This course will have two main parts: discussion and practice. In discussion, you will be expected to dialogue clearly and engage with others. In practice sessions, you will be expected to present your topic.

Grade levels:  
3 rubric Concept Paper       popup preview  
Write a 3-5 page research paper on a chosen topic.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
4 rubric Unit Test #1       popup preview  
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER)

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Required SCOTUS Cases       popup preview  
The AP Students are to create a YouTube video demonstrating their knowledge about fourteen Required SCOTUS Cases. The students will upload their video anonymously to the YouTube Channel provided by the teacher. Then, students will copy their respective YouTube video into Google Classroom.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Evaluate and Judge: Analysis of Chosen Literary Themes       popup preview  
Thoroughly Evaluate, Analyze and Judge the main idea of a Chosen work or Text and explain said thorough evaluation.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad   Post Grad  
7 rubric Public Policy Paper       popup preview  
This reburic will be used to grade the final public policy paper in class.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
8 rubric Report Writing       popup preview  
Use this rubric for grading student papers. Can be customized for any subject.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad   Post Grad  
9 rubric AUTOEVALUACIÓN / PROYECTO ABP       popup preview  
Por medio de esta rúbrica los estudiantes realizaran un ejercicio de autoevaluación respecto a los saberes obtenidos durante la realización de un proyecto en la clase de ABP.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
10 rubric Three Branches of Government Poster       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
11 rubric Participation/Attendance Rubric       popup preview  
Active participation/attendance is expected of all Students. This chart shows the level of participation & attendance grade for course

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
12 rubric Civil Rights Movement Poster Rubric       popup preview  
The students will create a poster on a Memorial of the Civil Rights Movement. The poster should include an explanation and summary of the event, person, or persons their group is memorializing.

Grade levels:   9-12  
13 rubric Political Party Commercial       popup preview  
Create a commercial for your chosen political party to encourage membership

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Create your own political party!       popup preview  
Students will create a political brochure that is based off a party that they have created. The brochure must include 4 issues and as well as a mission statement and of logo. All facts must include a source.

Grade levels:   9-12  
15 rubric Research Proposal       popup preview  
Write Personal Theory Paper

Grade levels:   Grad  
16 rubric Note-taking Skills       popup preview  
Generalized rubric to cover a variety of note-taking formats

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric competencias comunicativas del docente       popup preview  
evaluar la capacidad que tiene el docente en la comunicación y transmisión de la información.

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Participation/Attendance Rubric       popup preview  
Attendance rubric and participation rubric

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
19 rubric Note-taking Skills       popup preview  
Generalized rubric to cover a variety of note-taking formats

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Group Presentation on Energy Forms       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  

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