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1 rubric Rube Goldberg Project       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion Project       popup preview  
Student demonstrates understanding of Newton's Three Laws of Motion. Each project must include the description of the Newton's 3 Laws of Motion and illustrate/demonstrate accurately each Law of Motion.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Contemporary Art Project Proposal - Theme: Myth       popup preview  
Propose art project with theme revolving around the concept of myth in contemporary art. Content of Project Proposal be followed with supporting statement.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
4 rubric Rube Goldberg Rubric       popup preview  
Students must design, draw, and video a Rube Goldberg machine that utilizes the simple machines to perform a simple everyday task using at least two energy transfers.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12  
5 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion PowerPoint Presentation       popup preview  
Student creates a PowerPoint presentation describing Newton's Three Laws of Motion. The presentation must include a clear description of each law and at least 3 real-world examples that represents each law of motion. Chose to explain some or all of the following; Force Causes Acceleration, Friction, Mass and Weight, Free Fall Nonfree Fall

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion PowerPoint Presentation       popup preview  
Student creates a PowerPoint presentation describing Newton's Three Laws of Motion. The presentation must include a clear description of each law and at least 3 real-world examples that represents each law of motion. Chose to explain some or all of the following; Force Causes Acceleration, Friction, Mass and Weight, Free Fall Nonfree Fall

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion PowerPoint Presentation       popup preview  
Student creates a PowerPoint presentation describing Newton's Three Laws of Motion. The presentation must include a clear description of each law and at least 3 real-world examples that represents each law of motion. Chose to explain some or all of the following; Force Causes Acceleration, Friction, Mass and Weight, Free Fall Nonfree Fall

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion PowerPoint Presentation       popup preview  
Student creates a PowerPoint presentation describing Newton's Three Laws of Motion. The presentation must include a clear description of each law and at least 3 real-world examples that represents each law of motion. Chose to explain some or all of the following; Force Causes Acceleration, Friction, Mass and Weight, Free Fall Nonfree Fall

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Power Point Presentation       popup preview  
Rubric for group presentation

Grade levels:  
10 rubric PowerPoint Presentation Science Rubric       popup preview  
Created for assessing a science research based PowerPoint presentation

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric Power Point Presentation       popup preview  
Rubric for group presentation

Grade levels:  
12 rubric Rube Goldberg       popup preview  
Student create a Rube-Goldberg machine consisting of at least 4 simple machines that must run for at least 10 seconds.

Grade levels:   6-8  
13 rubric Rubric       popup preview  
This course will have two main parts: discussion and practice. In discussion, you will be expected to dialogue clearly and engage with others. In practice sessions, you will be expected to present your topic.

Grade levels:  
14 rubric Concept Paper       popup preview  
Write a 3-5 page research paper on a chosen topic.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
15 rubric Evaluate and Judge: Analysis of Chosen Literary Themes       popup preview  
Thoroughly Evaluate, Analyze and Judge the main idea of a Chosen work or Text and explain said thorough evaluation.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad   Post Grad  
16 rubric Report Writing       popup preview  
Use this rubric for grading student papers. Can be customized for any subject.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad   Grad   Post Grad  
17 rubric SCORING RUBRIC for Bridge Design Project       popup preview  
Bridges are made out of popsicle sticks & hot glue. The bridge must contain the following: the name of truss bridge, a well drawn design Bridge structure is neatly built & the bridge structure must reflect the type of truss bridge named.

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric AUTOEVALUACIÓN / PROYECTO ABP       popup preview  
Por medio de esta rúbrica los estudiantes realizaran un ejercicio de autoevaluación respecto a los saberes obtenidos durante la realización de un proyecto en la clase de ABP.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
19 rubric Newton's Laws of Motion Project       popup preview  
Student creates a poster describing Newton's Three Laws of Motion. Each poster must include the description of the Newton's 3 Laws of Motion and picture accurately represents that Laws of Motion.

Grade levels:   N/A
20 rubric Research Proposal       popup preview  
Write Personal Theory Paper

Grade levels:   Grad  

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