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public rubrics, Geography rubrics
Gallery of Geography rubrics. Access a list of public rubrics made by our members. Copy rubrics to your zone. Bookmark rubrics for future use Build, share, exchange, and reuse rubrics. Find rubrics by category and type.

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Found 24848 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 20 )  
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1 rubric Slide Presentation       popup preview  
Use this rubric to guide you in the creation of your slides and to determine if you need to adjust your slides.

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Continents and Oceans       popup preview  
Students identified continents by their shape, placed continents in correct location on a map and labeled oceans according to location. Spelling of all continents and oceans are correct

Grade levels:   K-5  
3 rubric Map of Canada Test       popup preview  
Map of Canada - Labelling Provinces, Territories, and main bodies of water, and creating a legend

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Current Events Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to complete a weekly current events report using the following rubric as part of their Weekly Current Events Project

Grade levels:  
5 rubric 6th grade Ancient Civilization GRAPES Project       popup preview  
Students will create a product that represents GRAPES for each ancient civilization studied this quarter.

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Landforms       popup preview  
Students will create a 3D landform using creative materials (examples: construction paper, sand, modeling clay, crayons, tissue paper). Students also have to find 3-5 important facts about the landform and present this information to the class.

Grade levels:   K-5  
7 rubric Landforms       popup preview  
Students will create a 3D landform using creative materials (examples: construction paper, sand, modeling clay, crayons, tissue paper). Students also have to find 3-5 important facts about the landform and present this information to the class.

Grade levels:   K-5  
8 rubric Landforms       popup preview  
Students will create a 3D landform using creative materials (examples: construction paper, sand, modeling clay, crayons, tissue paper). Students also have to find 3-5 important facts about the landform and present this information to the class.

Grade levels:   K-5  
9 rubric Infographic Rubric       popup preview  
Learning and Study Skills Infographic

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
10 rubric *7 Elements of Culture *       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
11 rubric Timeline Rubric: CLIL timeline product       popup preview  
Rubric for evaluation of a timeline

Grade levels:   6-8  
12 rubric History Board Game       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
13 rubric 5th Grade History Board Game       popup preview  

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
14 rubric Independent Work Skills/Organization       popup preview  
Study skills, self-management, organization, time management

Grade levels:   6-8  
15 rubric Sustainable City Project       popup preview  
Evaluation of design

Grade levels:   K-5  
16 rubric Task Initiation       popup preview  
JB Task initiation, self-management, organization, executive function

Grade levels:   K-5  
17 rubric Ancient Egypt GRAPES Project       popup preview  
Students will create a poster that represents each kingdom (old, middle, new) in Ancient Egypt using the GRAPES strategy

Grade levels:   6-8  
18 rubric Middle and New Kingdom Egypt Poster       popup preview  
The student must produce a poster according to the questions asked on the paper.

Grade levels:   K-5  
19 rubric Create a Board Game       popup preview  
Create a board game that that reviews and teaches about the 10 Commandments- it must also include at least one example for each Commandment. The game board needs to be creative, with a game name, and all of the materials to play the game must be included. Questions must be printed by hand or typed. Your game board must be complete and ready for playing on due date. Have fun!

Grade levels:   6-8  
20 rubric Literary Board Game Rubric       popup preview  
Create a board game based one of the novels on your Independent Reading Project list. Please see specific project details and requirement on the board game information sheet, which was presented with this rubric.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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