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Found 13811 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 20 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric competencias comunicativas del docente       popup preview  
evaluar la capacidad que tiene el docente en la comunicación y transmisión de la información.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Yoga Beginner       popup preview  
Yoga Rubric

Grade levels:   K-5  
3 rubric mijn eerste test       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
4 rubric Group Presentation on Energy Forms       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Midterm Essay. Formal Analysis       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
6 rubric Informe de Audiencia       popup preview  
Use this rubric for grading student papers. Can be customized for any subject.

Grade levels:   Undergrad   Grad  
7 rubric Parts of the Brain Flashcard Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to hand make 10 flashcards naming parts of the brain and their functions

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
8 rubric Government Movie Video       popup preview  
Students will create a video about their government

Grade levels:   6-8  
9 rubric Sports History Slides       popup preview  
Students will explore the history of a specific sport. They will research the sport and create a Google Slides presentation.

Grade levels:   6-8  
10 rubric Fake News Media Project       popup preview  
Students are to use social media formats as a way to communicate to people their idea about their selected fake news topic. Acceptable formats are a blog, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumbler. Pages should be fake. Students can use a poster board, or paper to design what their page would look like.

Grade levels:   6-8  
11 rubric Pathophysiology Project       popup preview  
This rubric is designed to grade a pathophysiology project in which 40% of the points are awarded for an interview of a patient. 40% of the points are awarded for the written research paper and 20% are for a presentation of the project.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
12 rubric Parts of the Brain Flashcard Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to hand make 10 flashcards naming parts of the brain and their functions

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
13 rubric Referral Resource Project       popup preview  

Grade levels:  
14 rubric Sports History Slides       popup preview  
Students will explore the history of a specific sport. They will research the sport and create a Google Slides presentation.

Grade levels:   6-8  
15 rubric Teaming Report       popup preview  
? Attached you will find six articles all having to do with Teaming. Your assignment is to pick three of the articles and write a report summarizing what you learned in each article and explaining the importance of teaming in today’s workplace. Make sure you indicate which articles you are writing about. I suggest you have a subtitle for each article and summarize them individually and then write a conclusion. ? You will not have class time for this assignment. ? Your paper must be typed, double spaced, and have a cover page. ? The report must be a minimum of 1000 words (I will be checking). That’s approximately 3 pages double spaced. Make sure you check your word count in the bottom toolbar. ? The assignment is due on Friday, May 6. ? This is worth 200 test points. ? You need to email your report to me instead of printing it because I will be checking your work count. ? I have also attached a rubric so you know exactly what you will be graded on and point values.

Grade levels:   9-12  
16 rubric Benefits of Outdoor Recreation Paper       popup preview  
Begin by defining recreation then outdoor recreation drawn from many sources and what it means to people and you. Define outdoor recreation in your own words. Next find journal articles or reports that contain information on the benefits (physical, psychological, societal, ecological, economical, etc.) of outdoor recreation about the benefits of outdoor recreation to individuals, groups, and society. This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages with 5 valid sources.

Grade levels:   Undergrad  
17 rubric Memory Map       popup preview  
Use this rubric for grading student papers. Can be customized for any subject.

Grade levels:   6-8  
18 rubric Digital Fabrication Research Project       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Narrative Report Rubric       popup preview  
Use this rubric for grading student papers. Can be customized for any subject.

Grade levels:   9-12   Grad  
20 rubric Reflection Rubric       popup preview  
Periodic assessment of student Reflections and Reflective Responses In Response/Reflection Papers

Grade levels:   Undergrad  

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