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iRubric: Round Table Discussion Rubric

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Round Table Discussion Rubric 
Scoring guide for grading daily participation in class round table discussion.
Rubric Code: U546C8
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Public Rubric
Subject: Journalism  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Class Participation rubric
  Always Participates

10 pts

Consistently Participates

8 pts

Sometime Participates

6 pts

Occasional Participation

2 pts

Rarely Participates

1 pts

Does Not Participate

0 pts


Always Participates

Always takes a voluntary thoughtful active role in their own learning. Consistently reads the class material, and has reflected and contextualized the information.
Consistently Participates

Consistently takes an active role in their learning. Consistently comes to class prepared, having read the material.
Sometime Participates

Student sometimes takes an active role in learning. Has usually read the material.
Occasional Participation

Occasionally takes an active role in their own learning. Shows evidence of having prepared for class on occasion
Rarely Participates

Student rarely takes an active role in their own learning.
Does Not Participate

Student not prepared either in readings or assignments
Knowledge of Current Events

Within the Last Week

Always Participates

Student can name and discuss in-detail at least four (4) current political events (state, national, international).
Consistently Participates

Student can name and discuss in-detail at least three (3) current political events (state, national, international).
Sometime Participates

Student can name and discuss in-detail at least two (2) current political events (state, national, international).
Occasional Participation

Student can name and discuss in-detail at least one (1) current political event (state, national, international).
Rarely Participates

Student can name at least one (1) current political event (state, national, international).
Does Not Participate

Student has no knowledge of any current political event.
Open to Personal Risk

Always Participates

Challenges themselves daily. Demonstrate a genuine desire to learn and share ideas with teacher and classmates. Initiates discussions.
Consistently Participates

Participates regularly in discussions volunteers ideas asks questions and defends opinions.
Sometime Participates

Shares ideas and asks appropriate questions.
Occasional Participation

Infrequently asks questions. Hesitant to share ideas or take risks. Only participates when called on.
Rarely Participates

Student does not participate and rarely if ever shares ideas or asks questions.
Does Not Participate

Student never shares ideas or asks questions
Respect for others

Always Participates

Listens respectfully to classmates and instructor and responds to comments in reflective and respectful fashion.
Consistently Participates

Listen respectfully to classmates and instructor, and responds to others' opinions in respectful manner.
Sometime Participates

Listens to classmates and respects opinions of others.
Occasional Participation

Occasionally talks or engages in other activities while others are speaking. Student frequently takes discussions off topic or monopolizes 'talking time'.
Rarely Participates

Displays poor listening skills. Consistently talks or engages in other activities while others are speaking. General disrespect for classroom decorum
Does Not Participate

Student is constantly playing cellphone or computer games/texting or having private discussions with other classmates. Disrespect for teacher or subject matter.

Always Participates

Arrives to class on time, returns from break on time, stays in classroom during lecture/discussion, no cellphone or laptop use during discussions/videos, present for entire 3-hour class session
Consistently Participates

Arrives to class on time, stays in classroom during lecture/discussion, no cellphone or laptop use during discussions/videos, present for entire 3-hour class session
Sometime Participates

Missing an hour or less attendance (either beginning or ending of class session), stays in classroom during lecture/discussion, no cellphone or laptop use during discussions/videos
Occasional Participation

Missing more than an hour attendance but less than 2-hours (either beginning or ending of class session), stays in classroom during lecture/discussion, limited cellphone or laptop use during discussions/videos
Rarely Participates

Missing more than an hour attendance but less than 3-hours (either beginning or ending of class session), frequent cellphone or laptop use during discussions/videos
Does Not Participate

Not Present

  • participation preparation undergraduate

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