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1 rubric Building a Musical Instrument Project       popup preview  
Students will explore the wave nature of sound and relate the properties of sound to everyday experiences. Objective: Students will research how musical instruments make sounds and review the four basic categories of musical instruments (string, woodwind, brass, and percussion). Students will construct and present a homemade musical instrument.

Grade levels:   K-5  
2 rubric Safety Booklet       popup preview  
Students must design a safety booklet illustrating the safety rules and guidelines discussed in class.

Grade levels:   K-5  
3 rubric Curriculum Dance Participation       popup preview  
Assessment for Dance Content Descriptions

Grade levels:   K-5  
4 rubric DANCE PERFORMANCE       popup preview  
DANCE PERFORMANCE RUBRIC For Dance: Level 1 -students will choose a selected dance (scanning the bar code). They will rehearse their dance in their small groups paying attention to the basic elements of dance. They will then present their dance.

Grade levels:   K-5  
5 rubric Poster and presentation       popup preview  
Students will create a poster on the topic of Mental Health strategies and ways to cope with stress. They will illustrate and describes 4-5 ways they can improve their mental health. They will suggest a mental health resource to help someone.

Grade levels:   K-5  
6 rubric Christmas Tree art -Grades 1/2-       popup preview  
Students write down their title at the top of the page. Students divide the sky and the land using a wavy line. Students trace trees using a ruler. Then, students trace trees using crayons and color in smaller objects. Finally, they apply brown and green Tempera paint to the tree and blue for the sky.

Grade levels:   K-5  
7 rubric Podcast Rubric Safety Invention       popup preview  
Students will create podcast in French about an invention of an object that improved the personal safety and well-being of others. Students will discuss how the object improved safety (in a 1-2 minute presentation) and why such an invention was needed.

Grade levels:   K-5  
8 rubric Foods Around the World       popup preview  
This project is to help students understand common foods and cuisines of different cultures. Each student should be able to identify at least three interesting facts they learned about a country's foods, a description of why they are common, a description of traditions and celebrations with food, the country's food guide or other details. They will present their information during a short French presentation using images and facts. (Powerpoint, poster, paper).

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
9 rubric French Restaurant Skit       popup preview  
In groups of 4-6 students create a skit that takes place in France in a restaurant of their choosing. Students must create a menu, use props which may include food to authenticate their script. Lines should be memorized.

Grade levels:   6-8  
10 rubric Unhealthy Habits Poster Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to create a poster with a clear message about the risk of developing unhealthy habits. The poster should indicate the potential risk(s) involved in habits such as smoking. The poster should have a title, be creative and eye-catching.

Grade levels:   K-5  
11 rubric Infomercial       popup preview  
Students will create an informercial to inform others about the risks of drug use and drug abuse. Students will be evaluated on the following criteria; Organization - commercial flows logically, Content - Commercial explains issue, Graphics - utilized, Eye Contact - focused on audience, Grammar- Correct, Clarity - audible

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8  
12 rubric Safety Plan       popup preview  
Students will work with a parent to create a personal safety plan. The plan should be kept simple yet informative and concise. No personal information is to be shared.

Grade levels:   K-5   9-12  
13 rubric Create a fitness routine       popup preview  
Students will create a fitness routine with 5 exercise movements of their choice. The movements can be related to a theme, e.g swimming motion for <<Under the Sea>> or common strength or flexibility movements. Movements should target specific muscle groups (arms, legs etc.) They will introduce and perform each movement (20 sec. w a 10 sec. rest. The routine is to be repeated twice. Students may dress up in their chosen theme. Have fun!!

Grade levels:   K-5  
14 rubric Musical Genre - Presentation       popup preview  
One of the most important parts of musical knowledge is to understand the many genres that music itself is made up of. Your project is to focus on one of these genres and create a presentation of the musical genre, by explaining characteristics of the genre, instruments used and information about popular artists.

Grade levels:   K-5  
15 rubric Personal Safety Poster Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to create a poster with a clear personal safety message. The poster should indicate the potential risk(s) involved. The poster should be creative and eye-catching.

Grade levels:   K-5  
16 rubric Inanimate Object Character Monologue       popup preview  
Choose an object you think you can turn into a character. Experiment with possible voices and movement. Perform a short Monologue for your character by having an activity for your character to perform. Be sure to change your voice, your movements and speak how the characters feels. Grade 3's create a second character and with a parent or sibling create a short scene between the two characters.

Grade levels:   K-5  
17 rubric Group Skit Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
Students choose between two short French skits to present. Students choose a role and rehearse the skit with group members. Students focus on drama elements such as actions, emotions and character.

Grade levels:   K-5  
18 rubric Halloween Dance       popup preview  
Students will choose from three Halloween themed songs and create and perform a dance using at least four dance steps. Dance steps should feature creative Halloween moves and keep to the beat and rhythm of the song. Students will repeat the dance steps a second time.

Grade levels:   K-5  
19 rubric My Country Research Project       popup preview  
A rubric to assess a student's ability to tell about a country of choice to an audience. Students will do some basic research about a country and then share their findings with the class.

Grade levels:   K-5  
20 rubric My map of the classroom or of my bedroom       popup preview  
Students will construct a map of the classroom or of their bedroom using key vocabulary and other classroom resources provided by the teacher.

Grade levels:   K-5  

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