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Found 18 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 18 )  
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1 rubric Current Events Rubric       popup preview  
Students are to complete weekly current events using the following rubric as part of their Current Events Project

Grade levels:  
2 rubric Round Table Discussion Rubric       popup preview  
Scoring guide for grading daily participation in class round table discussion.

Grade levels:  
3 rubric Constitution       popup preview  
Write the Constitution in your own words using U.S. Constitution as a model.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric World War 2 Key Events Timeline       popup preview  
Timeline for WW2 events

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Imperialism Snapchat Stories       popup preview  
Students will develop 3 snapchat stories that symbolize imperialism in Hawaii, Philippines, and Cuba. Students will establish the causes and effects of imperialism in their work, showcasing their understanding of the events/steps that lead to or represented imperialism.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Vision Board       popup preview  
Create a digital "vision board" that represents the dream you have for your life. The vision board will be created using Google Sites. You will present the vision board to the class.

Grade levels:   6-8  
7 rubric Economic Systems - A Persuasive Task       popup preview  
Using the four main economic systems as a guide, students are to create a pamphlet attempting to persuade the reader that the adoption of their chosen economic system was the best chance for economic success, considering the size of The US' GDP

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric The Butterfly Effect       popup preview  
Choose an event in history that you would like to change. You will describe the event in detail, describe and justify the changes that you would make, and how the world would look after you changes take place. Utilize your research skills and creativity to ensure you can complete the presentation.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Rhetorical Analysis (High School Essay Rubric)       popup preview  
Rubric to be used to assess a six paragraph analysis essay at the junior-senior level.

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric French Revolution Snapchat       popup preview  
A project depicting one of the "acts" of the French Revolution.

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric Historical Figures of the French Revolution       popup preview  
You will choose a historical figure that impacted the French revolution from the years 1789 to the late 1790's. You will then create a Facebook profile for your character from this era. Follow the Rubric to complete the Facebook page for your historical figure.

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric French Revolution Newspaper       popup preview  
Students will research events of the French Revolution and develop their own newspaper that depicts the at least 4 important events.

Grade levels:   K-5   6-8   9-12   Undergrad  
13 rubric Roaring Twenties Museum       popup preview  
Students will create museum displays on various people, technologies, and social conventions from the 1920's.

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Profile of Enlightenment Thinks       popup preview  
Student groups were divided up and assigned a philosopher in the Age of enlightenment: Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Bolivar, L'Ouverture, Jefferson. Groups will research and present their individual.

Grade levels:   9-12  
15 rubric Age of Enlightenment Philosophers       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
16 rubric Creating Executive Departments       popup preview  
Students will create Executive Departments for their countries modeled after The U.S.' executive departments

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric Industrial Revolution - Shark Tank       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Create Your Own Country Grading Rubric       popup preview  
Student will be graded on the following areas of the project. To receive full credit in the "Topic Criteria" section, student must have all ten topics covered within their project. These topics include: flag, demographics, location of country, language, native rituals, online design of country map, country history, and the language of the students country.

Grade levels:   6-8  

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