3 pts
2 pts
1 pts
Student came up with a name for his/her new flavor of ice cream.
Writing stays on subject and is informative. Student explains how to create his/her new flavor by listing ingredients.
Ice cream art reflects the flavor invented.
Student can count by tens using dimes.
Student can build a non-standard ruler out of duplo blocks.
Student can measure from a starting point to an end point by counting how many blocks long his/her ice cream cone is.
Student know the difference between length and width.
Student can compare his/her ice cream cone to a peer as being taller or shorter.
Student can state reasons that support his/her opinion. Why should your peers vote for your ice cream flavor?
Student can interpret data. How many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
Student knows the difference between a solid, liquid, and gas.
Student understands some changes caused by heating or cooling can be reversed and some cannot.