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iRubric: Formal Research Outline rubric

iRubric: Formal Research Outline rubric

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Formal Research Outline 
This is the grading rubric for your formal outline assignment. Make sure you follow MLA format and include a Works Cited page as noted on the assignment sheet.
Rubric Code: W23C776
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Formal Outline Rubric

4 pts

Approaching Proficiency

6 pts


8 pts


10 pts

Thesis and Development


Thesis is weak due to a lack of clarity, structural issues, or lack of argument. There is little or no rationale for the argument, and the main points and sub points are not representative of the proposed argument.
Approaching Proficiency

Thesis is somewhat clear and may need structural revision. The thesis provides an argument, but the rationale for that argument may be slightly obscure. The thesis does not provide many, if any, specifics of the essay.

Thesis is clear and well structured; it is clearly argumentative, provides some rationale for the argument (so what?), and may establish specifics of the essay.

Thesis is clear and gracefully structured; it is clearly argumentative, provides a compelling argument (so what?), and establishes specifics of the essay.
Topic Sentences


Topic sentences are missing or do not connect to the thesis statment.
Approaching Proficiency

Topic sentences are inconsistently or loosely connected to the thesis statement. Sentences are basic and need more development

Topic sentences connect well to the thesis and adhere to the argument proposed, however, they could use more development and be more effective in setting up the main points of each paragraph.

Excellent connection to thesis statement. Topic sentences clearly introduce each paragraph and set up the main points expertly. The main points and sub points of the outline clearly connect to the thesis and adhere to the argument proposed.
Content of Ideas


The key points and sub points of the outline are underdeveloped; ideas need to be added and established in order for the argument to make sense and be worthwhile. The outline is, at times, illogical in regard to the arrangement of main ideas, and there may be areas that could use restructuring.
Approaching Proficiency

The key points and sub points of the outline are slightly underdeveloped; ideas need to be added and established in order for the argument to make sense. The outline is mostly logical in regard to the arrangement of main ideas, but there may be areas that could use restructuring.

The key points and sub points of the outline are adequately developed (there are sub points and sub sub points where needed), and the outline is developed enough to logically follow the ideas present in the argument.
Main points are placed in a logical order that may enhance the argument proposed in the thesis.

The key points and sub points of the outline are well-developed (there are sub points and sub sub points where needed), and the outline is developed enough to easily and logically follow the ideas present in the argument.
Main points are placed in a logical and clearly purposeful order that enhances the argument proposed in the thesis.
Source Use and Quality


There are minimal to no sources noted in the outline, or sources are not correctly referenced. Some sources may be of questionable quality. Sources do not fit with the content of the paragraph or are not clearly referenced with page numbers or quotation marks where applicable.
Approaching Proficiency

There are some sources noted in the outline, but not enough for a successful and supported argument. Some sources may be of questionable quality. Sources fit somewhat into the paragraph content but connection is loose. Sources are referenced but lack information.

Sources are adequate for the argument and are used in a meaningful way within the outline. Sources are correctly referenced and integrated well into each paragraph topic.

High quality sources noted in the outline, and the sources are used in a meaningful and complex way within the outline. Sources support each point expertly and thoroughly.
Style and Conventions


The outline is not written in sentences and has many errors in formatting, punctuation, or usage. The voice may be too informal or colloquial for the task. MLA formatting is absent or there are more than 7 errors.
Approaching Proficiency

The outline is mostly written in sentences and may have some minor errors in formatting, punctuation, or usage. The voice is inconsistent or may lack the formality necessary to the task. MLA formatting is inconsistent with 4-6 errors.

The outline is written in clear sentences with minimal errors in formatting, punctuation, or usage. The voice is mostly formal and objective, and it fits the task. MLA formatting is consistently applied with 1-3 errors.

The outline is written in complete and clear sentences and has essentially no errors in formatting, punctuation or usage. The voice is consistently formal and objective and enhances the argument of the essay. MLA formatting is expertly applied.

  • Research paper - emphasis on relevance of research


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