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iRubric: Greenhouse Activity rubric

iRubric: Greenhouse Activity rubric

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Students must identify the cause for plants dying in the greenhouse. In addition, the students must provide improvements to the greenhouse to improve the current and future living conditions of the plants. The students must present their findings and persuade the greenhouse owner(s) to use their plan.
Rubric Code: VX6C492
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Greenhouse Activity
  Advanced - 4


Proficient - 3


Progressing - 2


Not Proficient - 1


Process Understanding

During presentation student must identify and explain the cause for the plants dying using appropriate vocabulary.

Advanced - 4

Excellent understanding of the what is causing the plants to die. Includes an in-depth description, and uses appropriate vocabulary in their explanation.
Proficient - 3

Very good understanding of what is causing the plants to die. Includes a description, and uses appropriate vocabulary in their explanation.
Progressing - 2

Understanding needs further development. Not quite able to fully describe using app
Not Proficient - 1

Lack of understanding of the two processes. Not able to describe each process and its purpose.
Plan of Action

Develops an appropriate plan of action to stop the plants from dying and improve the existing and future plants.

Advanced - 4

Developed an in-depth understanding of what is needed for a plant to survive (photosynthesis/respiration). Includes a course of action to accomplish the necessary goals.
Proficient - 3

Developed a basic understanding of what is needed for a plant to survive (photosynthesis/respiration). Includes a course of action to accomplish the necessary goals.
Progressing - 2

Shows some developing understanding of what is needed for a plant to survive (photosynthesis/respiration). Includes a developing course of action to accomplish the necessary goals.
Not Proficient - 1

Lack of understanding of what is needed for a plan to survive (photosynthesis/respiration). Lacks a course of action to accomplish the necessary goals.

Presentation must be persuasive and accurate in content. It needs to present options for fixing the problem and making improvements for current and future plants.

Advanced - 4

Creative and persuasive presentation that used evidence based materials, and was well organized.
Proficient - 3

Creative and persuasive presentation that used some evidence based materials and showed a good and organized plan.
Progressing - 2

Shows some creativity in presentation, with little persuasion. Shows signs of planning and organization.
Not Proficient - 1

Little creativity seen in presentation and did not persuade. Problems with planning and organization.
Class time/effort

Work must be done in class, some may be taken home with permission.

Advanced - 4

Time was well managed. Went above and beyond expectations. Asked questions to further their understanding of the material.
Proficient - 3

Effort was put forth. Worked most of class on the project, stayed on task. Asked some questions to further understanding of the material.
Progressing - 2

Some signs of effort shown. Worked some in class. Was distracted at times and did not ask appropriate questions.
Not Proficient - 1

Very little effort put into project. Off-task regularly during allotted time in class to work. Did not ask any questions.

  • Greenhouse Activity for Photosynthesis/Respiration

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