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iRubric: Travel blog rubric

iRubric: Travel blog rubric

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Travel blog 
5-minute Travel Vlog within Camarines Norte
Rubric Code: K246764
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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10 pts


8 pts


6 pts


4 pts

Content and ideas
2 pts


The student has many original ideas and expresses them clearly. The great majority of ideas are related to the subject matter.
The entries provide ample evidence of the student's research and reflect the knowledge gained. All interactions and activities described reflect that research.
Appropriate, engaging, reflective, and respectful to others. Blogs are in-depth, analytical, reflective, make a point and make connections with the intended audience.

The student expresses some original ideas. The majority of ideas are related to the subject matter.
Appropriate and respectful to others. Blogs have a purpose or main topic about subject matter and is reflective.
The entries provide evidence of the student's research and reflect the knowledge gained. Most interactions and activities described reflect that research.

The entries provide some evidence of the student's research and reflect the knowledge gained. Some interactions and activities described reflect that research.
The ideas expressed are not original, often confused and are not connected to discussions around the subject matter.
Blogs and comments done, but lacks engagement, analysis or substantial reflection, or may be off topic.

Blogs/Vlogs not engaging, are irrelevant, or are difficult to follow in meaning.

The entries do not provide much evidence of the student's research and reflect the knowledge gained. Few interactions and activities described reflect that research.
Speech, vocabulary and grammar
2 pts


Posts are well written, articulated and well structured. The student builds an excellent sense of confidence and trust. Written and speech responses are largely free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
Project has originality and flair, emphasizing important points; Written and speech presentation are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Student's writing and speech includes appropriate and varied vocabulary. Each time the vocabulary is used correctly.

Speech is fluent. Blog may contain one or two errors in grammar; errors do not impede viewer's understanding.
Posts are fairly written, articulated and well structured. The student demonstrates enough understanding of the proposed places and manages to build a fair sense of confidence and trust.

Vocabulary words are used appropriately when used, but some vocabulary is omitted and with some mistakes.

Project may contain several errors in grammar; errors may impede viewer's understanding. Speech lacks fluency.
Written responses include some grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors that distract the reader.
Student uses vocabulary, but poor and sometimes it is used incorrectly.

The student does not manage to build a sense of confidence and trust.
Blog may contain significant errors in grammar; errors may cause confusion for the viewer. Speech is choppy without complete sentences or clear topic. Posts are poorly written, articulated and well structured.
Written responses contain numerous spelling or punctuation errors.

Student's writing and speech doesn't use any vocabulary, or it is used with a lot of mistakes.
Video/Images/Sound Quality
2 pts


Video is well lit and frames subject appropriately. Editing enhances cohesiveness of vlog.

Sound is clear and volume is appropriate.

High quality images, including appropriate map, are inserted to enhance the content's visual appeal and increase readability. Acknowledges all image sources with captions.

Video is well lit and frames the subject within the frame without excessive movement.

Sound is understandable and volume is appropriate.

Images are inserted that are mostly high quality and enhance and clarify the content. Acknowledges most of the images with captions.

Video is fairly well lit within minimal movement. Subject is usually within the frame.

Video or student somewhat difficult to hear or is occasionally too loud.

Only a few images present, or images that are not clearly relevant to the blog entries. Acknowledgement of images incomplete or missing.

Camera may be jerky, making it difficult to view, poorly lit, or subject not clearly in video or image.

Sound is difficult to hear or is too loud.

Very few or no images used.
Organization and Appearance
2 pts


Blog is neat, organized, personalized, and includes table of contents. Blog entries include more than two paragraphs and include previous knowledge and/or personal experience.
Blog structure is excellent. Easy to follow and navigate, presentation and design clearly relates to topic and enhances the look of blog.

Blog is neat, organized, and personalized. Blog entries include 2 or more paragraphs.
Blog structure is appropriate. Navigation and structure are fair, presentation and design in a general manner relates to topic and enhances the look of blog.

Blog is neat and organized. Blog entries are not (at least) two paragraphs in length.
Navigation and structure are fair, although presentation and design in a general manner has some points not related to the topic.

Blog structure is deficient. Navigation and structure are very poor, presentation and design does not relate to topic and does not enhance the look of blog.
Blog is not neatly displayed and organized. Blog does not have daily entries.
Necessary Elements and Group Cooperation
2 pts


Student includes at least five of the following key elements in their project:
2. Table of contents
3. Still photos
4. Appropriate music
5. Video
6. Links
7. Text

Project is missing three of the key elements listed in box one.

Project shows little effort to include necessary elements. At least four or more elements missing.

Project is missing key elements.

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