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iRubric: Topical Research in International Relations rubric

iRubric: Topical Research in International Relations rubric

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Topical Research in International Relations 
Students write an approximately 10 page paper, on topic of choice. Choose an event or issue related to International Relations. Research history, opinion on either side (if there is more than one side), and discuss how the issue or event might have been handled differently--or how they would have handled it.
Rubric Code: F23B8AC
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Public Rubric
Subject: Political Science  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric IR Issue Research

90 pts


80 pts


70 pts


60 pts


50 pts


0 pts

Content & Concepts
40 %

Describe what it is you'll be writing about. Provide a description of the content and concepts. Lay the groundwork


Student presents a clear explanation of the event or issue that will be examined. A history of the issue, from multiple sources is provided.
Content and concepts are comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.
-Content and purpose of the writing are clear.

Student presents a clear explanation of the event or issue that will be examined. A description of the history of the issue is provided, but sourcing/research is limited.
Content and comcepts are accurate, and persuasive.
Major points are stated and are somewhat supported.
-Content and purpose of the writing are mostly clear.

Presents a clear explanation of the event or issue that will be, historical context is superficial.
Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive.
Major points are addressed, but not well supported.
Content and concepts are inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

Presents a very limited explanation of the event or issue that is being analyzed, and has no historical context of the event/issue included.
Content amd concepts are very limited and the major points are not emphasized.

Is unclear or seriously limited in presenting or developing the issue or event which will be analyzed. Needs improvement
Content and cocepts are complete.
Missing research
Major points are not clear and/or persuasive.

Analysis and Critique
40 %

Provide an analysis of the event/issue, including what he/she would have done differently (or wouldn't have), and WHY. What paradigm has been/should be used?


Analysis of the issue/event in question covers all of the important points. Student addresses strengths or weaknesses in the policy decisions that were made, and discusses how he/she would have handled it differently, and WHY. Reference to the theoretical paradigm used is a plus.

Analysis of the issue/event in question covers most of the important points. Students addresses most of the strengths and weaknesses in the policy decisions that were made, and attempts a discussion of how he or she thinks it SHOULD have been handled, and why.

Analysis of the event in question attempts to cover at least two varying positions on the issue. Student attempts to address the strengths and weaknesses in the policy decisions that were made, but may have trouble putting them into appropriate context.

Anqlysis attempts a half-hearted analysis which has touched on some relevant issues, but has largely fallen short.

Written Communication & Citations
10 %

How well you are able to get your point across.
Citations are used effectively, and proper notation is used.


Excellent mechanics, grammar, word usage. Language is clear and appropriate. Writing style is effective.
Support and evidence are referenced using paraphrasing in the students own voice and are cited properly within the text of the paper. Paper many relevant sources, showing a depth and breadth of research effort. Sources are different types (scholarly journals, primary sources like newspaper articles, appropriate web pages). A bibliography is included

Expresses ideas clearly and well, using appropriate vocabulary and sentence variety. May have errors in mechanics, grammar, or word usage.
Support and evidence are referenced using paraphrasing in the students own voice and most are cited properly within the text of the paper. Paper uses mostly different relevant sources, showing some depth of research effort. Sources are a variety of types. A bibliography is included.

Expresses ideas with reasonable clarity. Contains signficant errors in mechanics, grammar, or word usage.
Support and evidence are referenced using paraphrasing in the students own voice - citations are not properly formatted. Paper uses a few different relevant sources, showing an effort at research. Sources should be of a variety of types. A bibliography is included.

Has problems in language and sentence structure that result in a lack of clarity.Contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.
Uses language that is not his/her own and does not provide citations for support. Paper uses few relevant sources. No bibliography.

Has serious problems in the use of language and sentence structure that frequently interfere with meaning. Contains serious errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics obscure meaning. Paper uses 1 or 2 relevant sources. No bibliography.

No citations are included in the text. No bibliography.
Organization & Format
10 %

How does the paper LOOK?


The paper meets the standards assigned for margins, type size, spacing. Page numbers are present. Sections and subsections are clearly delineated in ways that draw the reader's eye to important areas. The organizational integrity and framework of the paper is outstanding and superior.

The paper meets the standards assigned for margins, type size, spacing. Page numbers are present. Separate sections and subsections are clearly delineated. The organization and structural Framework f the paper is strong and clear.

The paper meets the standards assigned for margins, type size, spacing. Page numbers are present. Separate sections are included, but headings are not clear. Some adequate effort is made to organize and frame the paper.

The paper meets most, but not all of the standards assigned for margins, type size, spacing. Sections and subsections are poorly listed or are misguided. Little effort is made to organize the paper.

The paper is missing significant portions of the aforementioned requirements and/or is significantly under pages of analysis in length. Sections and subsections are disjointed and deficient and misleading. Little to no effort is made to clearly lay out the structure of the paper,


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