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iRubric: Character Poem rubric

iRubric: Character Poem rubric

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This assignment is designed for middle school students to create a character poem based on a character from a historical fiction text.
Rubric Code: E2A3AA
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Character Poem
Must use enough detail so that we can tell what character you wrote about.

Student needs to see me.

1 pts


Student finished the assignment but it lacked depth and creativity.

2 pts


Students met all objectives and showed creativity and originality as well as their six traits of writing.

3 pts

Word Choice

Precision in the use of words, combined with skill in choosing words that create impressions or pictures in the audiences' heart anad mind.


Creator struggles with a limited vocabulary, searching for words or phrases to convey meaning. The writing reflects vague words and phrases, conveys general messages, redundancy, inhibits clarity and creativity, words used incorrectly, trouble grasping concepts.

The language communicates topic. Most works are correct and adequate, but not striking. A memorable phrase here or there strikes a spark, leaving the reader hungry for more. Familiar words or phrases give the text an comfortable feeling. Attempts colorful language.

Precise, vivid, natural language paints a strong, clear and complete picture in the reader's mind. The creator's message is remarkably clear and easy to interpret, phrasing is original and memorable. Lively verbs lend the writing energy and power, striking words and phrases linger int he creators memory prompting memories, thoughts and insight.
Sentence Fluency

Finely crafted construction combined with a sense of rhythm and grace. It is achieved through logic, creative phrasing, parallel construction, alliteration, absence of redundancy, variety in sentence length and structure.


A fair oral reading of the text takes practice. The writing reflects irregular word patterns making it hard to tell where one sentence ends and the next begins; ideas are hooked together by numerous connectors; short, choppy sentences bump the reader through text, repetitive sentence patterns, reader must pause and reread for understanding.

The text hums along with a steady beat. Sentences are grammatical and easy to read aloud, given some rehearsal. Some variation in length and structure enhance fluency. Some purposeful sendtence beginnings aid interpretation of the text. Graceful, natural phrasing intermingles with mechanical structure.

An easy flow and rhythm combined with sentence sense and clarity make this text a delight to read aloud. Sentences are well crafted, with a strong and varied structure that invites expressive oral reading. Purposeful sentence structure shows how each sentence builds on the one before. Writing has cadence making the reading pleasant and natural, not monotonous.

This includes punctuation, spelling, grammar and usage, capitalization and paragraphing. It does not include layout, formatting or handwriting.


The writer demonstrates limited control. The text reflects the following; errors are frequent and distracting; difficulty focusing on ideas, organization or voice; extensive editing would be required.

The writer shows reasonable control over the most widely used writing conventions and applies them with fair consistency to create a text that is adequately readable. There are enough errors to distract the reader, however they do not obscure the meaning. The writing needs to be polished, moderate editing would be required.

The writer shows excellent control of conventions and uses accuracy and style to enhance meaning. Errors are so few and so minor that a reader can overlook them; text appears clean, edited, and polished; create text of sufficient length appropriate for their age and experience; text is not distracting or confusing; only light touch ups needed.
Idea Development

Ideas are the heart of the maessage, the main thesis, impression, or story line of the piece, together with the documented support elaboration, anecdotes, images, or carefully selected details that build understanding and readers attention.


The presentation is sketchy or loosely focused. The reader must make inferences in order to grasp the point or piece together the information. The presentation reflects numerous problems.

The creator has made a solid beginning in defining a key issue, making a point, creating an impression, or sketching out a story line. More focus and detail will breathe life into this presentation. It is easy to see where the creator is headed. The audience can grasp the big picture. There may be too much information or irrelevant info so creator may need to be more selective. The presentation makes a clear, general statement.

The presentation is clear, focused, purposeful and enhanced by significant detail that captures the viewers interest.
Creates a vivid impression, clear points or tells a story. Presentation contains info that makes the topic understandable and interesting. Quality details expand thinking and engage the audience.

Organization is the internal structure of the piece. Strong organization begins with a purposeful, engaging lead and wraps up with a thought-provoking close. In between, the writer takes care to link each detail or new development to a larger picture, building to a turning point or key revelation and always including strong transitions


Ideas, details, or events seem loosely strung together. The reader struggles to discover a clear direction or purpose. the writing reflects more than on of these problems:
There is no identifiable structure to carry the reader from point to point; no real lead sets up what follows, not real conclusion wraps things up; missing or unclear transitions force the reader to make giant leaps; sequencing feels more random than purposeful; writing does not build to a high point or turning point.

The organizational structure guides the reader through the text without too much confusion. Sequencing is appropriate, given the main theme or story line; the introduction and conclusion are recognizable; transitions are usually present; structure may be so dominant that it smothers ideas or voice; the piece has a developing sense of balance.

The order, presentation, or internal structure of the piece is compelling and moves the reader purposefully through the text. The organization has a storyline; details seem to fit right where they are; an inviting lead draws the reader in; a satisfying conclusion ties up loose ends and leaves the reader with something to think about; pacing feels natural and right; organization flows so smoothly the reader does not need to think about it.

The presence of the writer on the page. When the writer's passion for the topic and concern for the audience are strong, the text virtually dances with life and energy, and the reader feels a strong connection to both writing and the writer.


The writer seems significantly distanced from the topic, audience, or both as a result, the text may lack life, spirit, or energy. The writing reflects more than one of these problems: The writer does not seem to reach out to the audience or to anticipate their interests and needs; the writing takes no risks and does not involve or move the reader; the writer does not yet seem sufficiently at home with this topic to personalize it for the reader.

The writer seems sincere and willing to communicate with the audience on a functional, if somewhat distant, level. the writer has not quite found his or her voice but is experimenting; moments here and there amuse, surprise or move the reader; the writer often seems reluctant to let go; though aware of an audience, the writer only occasionally speaks right to that audience; the writer often seems right on the verge of sharing something interesting then backs away.

The writers energy and passion for the subject drive the writing, making the text lively, expressive, and engaging. The tone and flavor of the piece fit the topic, purpose, and audience well. Clearly, the writing belongs to this writer and no other. The writer’s sense of connection to the reader is evident, narrative text is open, honest and revealing; expository or persuasive text is provocative, lively and compelling.

Creator uses colorful pictures and design to keep the audience on the edge of their seat thus making the book a thought provoking presentation that is aesthetically pleasing.


The creator shows little knowledge or uses plain text and pictures with little or no originality.

The creator demonstrates a general effort to engage the viewer with colorful pages and visually appealling text.

The creator demonstrates a vast knowledge of the project and uses additional creative outlets to capture attention and keep the reader on the edge of their seats.

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