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During-Reading artifact 2









May 30, 2008
This artifact was completed on April 25, 2008. I completed this in Ms. Cichy’s class when we were reading chapter 12 of Journey of the Sparrow. Ms. Cichy gave us these questions to if we really understand what we were reading. She gave a question to each student; each one was responsible to answer their question and when we were finished we share our answer with the rest of the class. This work applies to my during reading goal because I was answering question to see if I understand what I read or I need to reread the chapter. My question was “What bad news does a the second letter from Mexico bring?” it was a little confusing because at the beginning of the chapter the narrator talks about a letter but when you keep reading to found the other what the second letter talks about.
This artifact is important because it shows your level of understanding since you read. I was able to answer this question because my understanding level had a big progressing from the beginning of the school year to these days. I think I answer the question good and quickly. After I answer my question a keep answer the others question and some of them were really difficult for example when it said, “How does Julia want to get money”? You have to really think about what she said and it means. Ms. Cichy explains this question to us because no one could answer it.
I put 89% effort to this artifact. I answer the question really concentrated in what I was doing but there still think that I need to work on. I think that if we do this aging I will do a better job because I’m working really hard to improve my English.