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iRubric: Experiencias temáticas rubric

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Experiencias temáticas 
Rubric Code: XX694A2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Experiencias temáticas

20 pts


15 pts

Así así

10 pts

Necesita mejorarse

5 pts

¡Duele mi nota!

0 pts

Contenido y conexión temática


Relevant and informative. The information is clearly related to the selected (sub)theme.

Generally informative. the information is related to the selected (sub)themes.
Así así

Generally informative but incomplete. There is some connection between the content and the selected (sub)themes. Requires some inferences to understand information presented.
Necesita mejorarse

Somewhat informative; provides little or no information. Vague. Little connection to the (sub)themes. Requires significant inferences to understand information presented.
¡Duele mi nota!

No response, response is off task, response is in English, and/or there is evidence of use of Internet translation.


Information is cohesive. Well-explained, organized, and fluid.

Generally cohesive with good explanations that adequately contribute to reader's understanding.
Así así

Somewhat lacks detail and cohesiveness. Brevity of response may impede understanding.
Necesita mejorarse

Lacks detail and cohesiveness. Brevity of information impedes understanding.
¡Duele mi nota!

No response, response is off task, response is in English, and/or there is evidence of use of Internet translation.
Uso del Lenguaje


Language use is generally accurate and appropriate to the task; minor errors may occur.

Language use is usually accurate; occasional inaccuracies may occur.
Así así

Language use may have frequent inaccuracies; may be influenced by native language.
Necesita mejorarse

Language usage is inadequate for most basic aspects of the task.
¡Duele mi nota!

No response, response is off task, response is in English, and/or there is evidence of use of Internet translation.
Citas bibliográficas


Sources are documented and in MLA format and include links. Citations make it easy to locate the sources.

Sources are documented but some may not be in MLA format and may include links. Citations assist in locating the sources but with some difficulty.
Así así

Sources are documented but are not in MLA format and/or do not include links. Citations or links given assist in locating a few sources but with great difficulty.
Necesita mejorarse

Several sources are documented but many are missing. Citations are not in MLA format and do not include links. Sources are very challenging to locate due to lack of information provided.
¡Duele mi nota!

No response, response is off task, response is in English, and/or there is evidence of use of Internet translation.
Total de fuentes


All tables are complete.

Majority of tables are complete.
Así así

Some of the tables are complete.
Necesita mejorarse

A few of the tables are complete.
¡Duele mi nota!

No response, response is off task, response is in English, and/or there is evidence of use of Internet translation.

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