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iRubric: Arthurian Presentation rubric

iRubric: Arthurian Presentation rubric

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Arthurian Presentation 
Create a video about an Arthurian legend.
Rubric Code: W4WAW3
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Video Project
Create a 10-12 minute video adaptation/presentation of one or more works from this semester.

2 pts


5 pts

Above Average

8 pts


10 pts

Knowledge of Subject

Did the presentation demonstrate accurate recall of characters, settings, plots of the texts?


The presentation did a poor job in demonstrating accurate recall of characters, settings, and the plots of the texts. Several important aspects of the text were left out of the presentation and or the presentation was very inaccurate in its recall of important parts of the text

The presentation did a fair job in demonstrating accurate recall of characters, settings, and the plots of the texts. Some important aspects of the texts were either not present in the presentation or did not accurately cover the texts
Above Average

The presentation did a very good job in demonstrating accurate recall of characters, settings, and the plots of the texts. One or very few important parts of the text were either not adequately covered or not accurately recalled.

The presentation did an excellent demonstrating accurate recall of characters, settings, and the plots of the texts. All main aspects of the text were accurately and excellently covered
Understanding of Subject

Did the presentation demonstrate understanding of literary themes, characterizations, and plot analysis of texts?


The presentation demonstrated poor understanding of the subject. There was either no attempt to analyze literary themes, characterizations, and aspects of the plot, or if there was an attempt it was highly inaccurate.

The presentation demonstrated some understanding of the subject. There was an attempt to analyze literary themes, characterizations, and plot aspects. Either important aspects were missing, or analysis needed much further development.
Above Average

The presentation demonstrated a good understanding of the subject. Important literary themes, characterizations, and parts of the plot were analyzed fairly well. One or more important aspects may have been left out though. There could have also been further analysis.

The presentation demonstrated an excellent understanding of the subject. Important literary themes, characterizations, and parts of the plot were well analyzed and well presented.

Was the dialogue/plotting logical and convincing? Did it incorporate lines or quotes from the text(s)?


There was little attempt to no attempt at creating a formal script. There are no or almost no quotes or lines used directly or paraphrased from the text. Dialogue is either inappropriate or inaccurate.

There was a fair attempt made to make a script. There were at least some quotes and lines used directly or paraphrased from the texts. There could have been many more incorporated lines and quotes though, and parts of the script may have been inappropriate.
Above Average

The script was well made. There were lines and quotes taken from the texts and well incorporated in the film.

The script was excellently made. Lines and quotes from the texts were incorporated and used appropriately.

Did each team member play a significant and convincing role in the production of the presentation?


Poor teamwork. Not all members contributed to the project, or one or more of the project members contributed almost nothing to the production of the presentation.

Fair teamwork. All members at least contributed something to the project. Some members are far less prominent in the production and presentation than others.
Above Average

Good teamwork. All members contributed to the project, but some members did not play as significant a role in the production of the presentation.

Excellent teamwork. All project members contributed an equal significant role to the presentation.

How involved was the cinematography, costume design, scenery, etc.?


Poor effort. Little to no hard work was put into the creation of the presentation. The end product is not very polished and or was put together at the last moment, poor setting choices, and poor cinematography.
Presentation fell short of minimum requirement.

Fair effort. Obvious effort is apparent in the final product. There was an effort to use proper setting, and an attempt at good cinematography. The project just is not very well polished.
Presentation fell short or minimum requirement.
Above Average

Good effort. Hard work was put into the presentation. There was a good use of settings, and cinematography. Good end result. Presentation met minimum required time.

Excellent effort. A lot of hard good work was put into the presentation. The film is polished and very well put together. Good use of setting, and cinematography. Presentation met or exceeded minimum time.

How clean was the final project?


Little effort. Final project was sloppy. No edit was done.

Fair effort. There was some editing that was done, and a little effort put into creating a decent video.
Above Average

Good effort. There was some hard work put into the finished project. Could have been a bit more editing and smoothing of issues.

Excellent effort on final project. Much detail was put forth and clean lines were produced.

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