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iRubric: Program Review Paper rubric

iRubric: Program Review Paper rubric

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Program Review Paper 
You will evaluate an organization’s last accrediting site visit. Discuss outcomes and future implications in a 12-15 page APA paper.
Rubric Code: VX839A3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Nursing  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Agency Accreditation Report
  Exceeds Expectations

250 pts

Meets Expectations

200 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

175 pts

Agency Profile
15 %

Exceeds Expectations

The student describes the organization in a manner that demonstrates a clear understanding of the organizational structure and purpose
Meets Expectations

The student describes the organization in a manner that demonstrates only a limited understanding of the organizational structure and purpose
Does Not Meet Expectations

The student describes the organization in a manner that demonstrates an inaccurate or unclear understanding of the organizational structure and purpose
Accreditation Checklist
10 %

Exceeds Expectations

Overall, the content reflects an excellent application of accreditation principles. The checklist includes the required content and uses relevant standards. The ranking criteria is effective.
Meets Expectations

Overall, the content reflects a basic application of accreditation principles, but needs more development. The checklist includes most the required content and frequently uses relevant standards. The ranking criteria is effective.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Overall, the content does not reflect an adequate application of accreditation principles. Important content is either missing or vague. The checklist will not adequately assist with the accreditation process
25 %

Exceeds Expectations

Overall, the summary captures the most important concepts from the accreditation process. Highlights and recommendations are appropriate to the context, and demonstrate a good understanding of course concepts
Meets Expectations

Overall, the summary captures some of the most important concepts from the accreditation process, but needs more development. Highlights and recommendations are usually appropriate to the context, and demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts. Occasional errors or omissions detract from the quality of the summary.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Overall, the summary does not captures the most important concepts from the accreditation process, and needs more development. Highlights and recommendations are rarely appropriate to the context, and do not demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts. Frequent errors or omissions seriously detract from the quality of the summary.
Reflection on the Process
20 %

Exceeds Expectations

Overall, the student's reflection demonstrates an excellent understanding and application of the course content. Recommendations are thoughtful, insightful and could assist the agency in improving services
Meets Expectations

Overall, the student's reflection demonstrates an basic understanding and application of the course content. Recommendations are sometimes thoughtful, insightful and would need to be developed further before they would be helpful to an agency wishing to improve services
Does Not Meet Expectations

Overall, the student's reflection demonstrates a very limited understanding and application of the course content. Recommendations are usually vague or unclear and would provide little assistance to an agency wishing to improve services
Challenges and Opportunities
20 %

Exceeds Expectations

Overall, the student identifies a clear description of challenges and opportunities that reflect a solid understanding of course content
Meets Expectations

Overall, the student identifies a description of challenges and opportunities that reflect a basic understanding of course content, but often lacks depth and clarity
Does Not Meet Expectations

Overall, the student identifies an unclear or vague description of challenges and opportunities that reflect a limited understanding of course content
Writing Mechanics / Report format
10 %

Exceeds Expectations

Overall, the student's report is well-organized. APA citations are used appropriately. Few errors are evident, and do not detract from the overall quality of the assignment.
Meets Expectations

Overall, the student's report needs more attention to report format and writing mechanics. . APA citations are only used occasionally and contain some errors. Some errors are evident, and detract from the overall quality of the assignment.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Overall, the student's report lacks attention to report format and writing mechanics. . APA citations are rarely used, and are most often incorrect. Frequent errors are evident, and seriously detract from the overall quality of the assignment.

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