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iRubric: Instagram Rubric

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Instagram Rubric 
Beginner Cosmetology Class Digital Project Instagram
Rubric Code: R246B92
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Instagram
Digital Class Project
  Needs Improvement

15 pts


17 pts


20 pts


Make it yours? Think creatively!
Profile picture, username/handle name and student bio

Needs Improvement

Student did not complete a proper header with a profile picture, creative username/handle name and or student bio.

Student completed a header with a profile picture, creative/handle username.

Student has completed header with a profile picture and has selected an appropriate and creative username, handle name and student Bio.!
Categorize Images using Highlight Covers

Use multiple highlight covers are used, the student designed an appropriate, creative image related to content studied.

If multiple highlights are included, student has included all 100 appropriate images in their project. Images are representative of 6 events.

Needs Improvement

Use multiple highlight covers are used, the student did not design an image, or but the image does not represent any event related to content studied.

If multiple highlights are included, student has included less than 50 appropriate images in their project.

Use multiple highlight covers are used, the student designed an image, but the image does not represent events in the content studied correctly.

If multiple highlights are included, student has included 50-75 appropriate images in their project.

Use multiple highlight covers are used, creative image related to content studied.

If multiple highlights are included, student has included all 50 appropriate images in their project. Images are representative of cosmetic professional images.

Give related captions for each Image
Font size consistent.
No punctuation, grammar and spelling errors

Needs Improvement

Captions were not included, multiple punctuation, grammar and spelling errors.

Student create unrelated captions, three or less punctuation, grammar and spelling errors.

Student has included at least ONE related captions for each image, punctuation, grammar and spelling correct.

Create personal hashtags for each post, use school hashtags, personal hashtags, local hashtags, industry hashtags.

Needs Improvement

Instantgram templates did not include a hashtag.
Student did not create personal hashtags for each post, use school hashtags, personal hashtags, local hashtags, industry hashtags.

Student created a hashtag for each Instantgram template. Create hashtags for each post, use school hashtags, personal hashtags, local hashtags, industry hashtags.

Student created a creative hashtag for each Instantgram template. Create hashtags for each post, give credit, site or tag photo provider if not personal photo.
Color Scheme

Your color scheme is the group of color you're going to use when you create your graphics. Choosing different colors can create different feelings and emotions so it's important to choose the right ones.
(Choose at least 2 colors for your scheme)

Needs Improvement

Student did not create color scheme.

Student used one color on entire page.

Student used both colors consistantly on entire page.

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