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iRubric: Research Proposal - Oral Defense Rubric

iRubric: Research Proposal - Oral Defense Rubric

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Research Proposal - Oral Defense Rubric 
Research Proposal for Masters students
Rubric Code: QXAXB26
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Subject: Health  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate, Graduate, Post Graduate

Powered by iRubric Research Proposal - Oral Defense
  Poor; Below Expectations

2 pts

Meets Minimal Expectations

3 pts

Proficient; Good

4 pts

Exemplary; Excellent

5 pts



Project Content
10 %

Poor; Below Expectations

Contradicting terms used in title. Title is misleading, cannot be well comprehended.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Some errors exist in the title but could easily be replaced. Title meets minimal requirements.
Proficient; Good

Title is well formatted, good and very clear.
Exemplary; Excellent

Exemplary, Well formulated title at an expert level.




Problem Statement
10 %

Poor; Below Expectations

Evidence presented does not support the project or problem statement.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Fairly posed statement of the problem that is somewhat unique.
Proficient; Good

Well posed statement of the problem that provides evidence but the evidence is not as strong as it could be.
Exemplary; Excellent

Very clearly posed statement of the problem and supported with high quality (strong) evidence.




Background & Significance
5 %

Poor; Below Expectations

Major portions of the background information is lacking; Cannot be sure how the intent of this project is going to make a difference.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Some important background information is missing; It has potentials for improving current practice, enhancing knowledge, or making a positive difference in the field.
Proficient; Good

Background is somewhat clear and concise. The intent of the project alludes to improving current practice. Some current evidence presented to justify the significance and relevance of the topic.
Exemplary; Excellent

Excellent background information given. Ample current evidence/statistics presented to support potentials to improve current practice; enhance knowledge and to make positive social change.




Project Goals/Aims & Objectives
15 %

Objective of the Project

Poor; Below Expectations

The project goal is poorly stated and/or it can not be implemented within the time lines.
Objective is listed but it is confusing.
Meets Minimal Expectations

The project goal is incompletely stated and/or it may not be able to be implemented within the time lines.
Objective is not very clear; The intent of the project needs minor review.
Proficient; Good

The project goal is well stated and can be implemented within the time lines.
Objectives are clear;
Exemplary; Excellent

The project goal is exceptionally stated and can definitely be implemented within the time lines of the proposal.
Clearly stated objective in an exemplary manner.




Hypothesis (es)/ R. Question (s)
5 %

Hypothesis (es) / R. Question (s)

Poor; Below Expectations

Hypothesis(es)/ Research Question(es) confusing or untestable. Can't be connected with the literature. Not innovative.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Hypothesis(es)/ Research Question(es) minor errors exist. Somewhat clearly stated and testable that may have some disconnect from a thorough review of the literature. Testing the hypothesis may not completely fill gaps in current knowledge and address the problem statement.
Proficient; Good

Clearly stated and testable that connect from a thorough review of the literature. Testing the hypothesis may fill gaps in current knowledge and address the problem statement.
Exemplary; Excellent

Very clearly stated, testable, and logically derived from a thorough review of the literature. Testing the hypothesis should fill gaps in current knowledge and clearly address the problem statement.




Proposed Design & Methods
10 %

Poor; Below Expectations

Design does not allow adequate test of hypotheses. Method is seriously flawed. Major details missing from the methods; Plan is not reasonable. There is a limited plan for the collection of data as your project is carried out. There is confusion as to how the data will be used to draw conclusions about the success of your project.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Design is appropriate. Method is seriously flawed. Some details may be missing in the methods sections, but a sensible plan is presented. There is a plan for collecting and displaying data as the project is carried out. Data to be collected can serve a purpose important to the project.
Proficient; Good

Design is appropriate. Method provides awkward, but doable implementation. Somewhat clear list of methods; There is a plan of action for collecting and displaying data as the project is carried out. It is clearly evident that the data to be collected serve a purpose important to the project.
Exemplary; Excellent

Design is appropriate. Method provides practical way to implement the design. Clear list of methods; Well described plan containing all essential information to showcase the steps planned for professionally carrying out the entire project.




Recognizable Limitations
5 %

Poor; Below Expectations

There is at least one major obstacle or limitation not described. There is not a valid plan as to how student might address obstacles or limitations.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Limitations or possible problems that may interfere with student project have been identified and described. It is a questionable how student plan to address these issues if they arise.
Proficient; Good

Limitations or possible problems that may interfere with the project have been identified and described. There is a statement as to how student plans to address these issues if they arise.
Exemplary; Excellent

Limitations or possible problems that may interfere with the project have been identified and described. There is a very clear and valid statement as to how student plan to address these issues if they arise so as not to derail the research/project.




Academic writing
Formal - Structure - Organization
5 %

format is followed precisely and APA 6th ed. guidelines format is smoothly utilized in all areas. Title page, headers, footers, and Works cited page, margins, font, and line spacing all correctly done.

Poor; Below Expectations

Paper demonstrates poor academic writing skills. Poorly synthesizes material, makes inappropriate connections to other topics, Ideas are fragmented so that it is hard to understand text. Poor or weak ability to express thoughts. Material is poorly organized. Consistent following of the 6th ed. APA Guidelines is not observed. Major APA format issues (more than 5).
Meets Minimal Expectations

Paper demonstrates acceptable academic writing skills. The student can
synthesize material, make appropriate connections to other topics, Mostly clear, concise so that the content is understandable. Material is fairly well organized. Following the 6th ed. APA Guidelines is observed. APA format issues (3-5).
Proficient; Good

Paper demonstrates good academic writing skills. Connections between relevant topics is evident. Content is easy to understand. Material is well organized. Consistent following of the 6th ed. APA. Minor APA format issues.
Exemplary; Excellent

Paper demonstrates solid academic writing skills. The student expertly: synthesizes material, makes several connections between relevant topics. Ideas are sequenced and logical so that the content is easy to understand. Clear, concise Material is exceptionally organized. Consistent with the 6th ed. APA Guidelines.




2.5 %

All assignments are expected to meet minimum standards for proper English. This means that grammar, mechanics, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure should all be checked carefully by the student prior to submission. Spell check and grammar check are useful, but will not catch everything.

Poor; Below Expectations

Major grammatical and spelling errors, very limited attention paid to detail.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Grammatical and spelling errors, not enough attention paid to details. Multiple errors, but they do not substantially distract from the content.
Proficient; Good

Writing mechanics, word usage, grammar and spelling contains few errors that mostly do not effect the paper's content.
Exemplary; Excellent

Writing mechanics, word usage, grammar and spelling contain rare errors that do not effect the paper's content. Well organized and carefully edited.




Citation & Referencing
2.5 %

Poor; Below Expectations

Many errors in citation. Citations and the Reference page may not match up, where a cited work isn’t found on the Reference page. Much of paper is copied from sources, no original work is evident.Many errors in the Reference page. most of the references are from unreliable sources, such as Wikipedia Reference page is not cited.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Use of professional sources without a thoughtful summary as to why the sources are relevant or how they enter into writer's discussion/critique.The references are not all from reliable sources. Few are peer reviewed. APA format is followed.
Proficient; Good

All sources cited and conform to APA citation requirements with minor errors. Reliability of professional sources. Use of
source information within the paper is effective and necessary. More than half of references all not peer reviewed, but are reputable and reliable sources. The Reference page, containing a minimum of 6 references, is alphabetized and formatted correctly, per APA, although there may be minor errors.
Exemplary; Excellent

All sources cited and conform to APA citation requirements. Excellent reliability of professional sources. Use of source information within
the paper is effective
and necessary. Follows APA format with the majority of references being peer reviewed journals. The Reference page is alphabetized and formatted correctly as per APA.




10 %

All assignments are expected to reflect original thoughts and interpretations of the information. Direct quotations should be kept to a minimum and used only when they enhance the message you are trying to convey. The topic posed is only part of the total. Does student find interesting angles from which to explore? All assignments are expected to reflect original thoughts and interpretations of the information.

Poor; Below Expectations

Much of the paper is copied from other sources, minimal original work is evident. Direct quotations exceed 20%. Fails to raise any important questions related to the topic assigned. Does not meet the criteria of the assignment.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Most sources are cited correctly. There is evidence of original work that reflect the writers own thoughts & ideas. Similarity/direct quotations are between 10-15%.
Proficient; Good

Raises important questions relevant to the assigned topic, & answers them with evidence from professional sources. Paper clearly reflects write's work originality. Similarity/direct quotations are between 5-10%.
Exemplary; Excellent

Work reflect clear originality & expertise in writing reflecting uniqueness at a scholarly level. Less than 5% of similarity/direct quotations & are only used to raise important questions relevant to the assigned topic.




Oral Presentation
(The presenter)
Oral presentation
5 %

Delivery, Fluency, Correctness Vocabulary, & Pronunciation

Poor; Below Expectations

-No interest in presentation. -Little evidence of fluency. -Inaccuracies in grammar throughout. -Errors interfere with comprehensibility and force interpretation by the listener. -Mispronunciations force the listener to interpret. -Vocabulary is inadequate for this level.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Only mild enthusiasm, problems with comprehensibility, cannot be heard very well, not very interesting to audience Consistently uses simple structures, vocabulary, etc. Some signs of fluency, but hesitant performance and/or excessively simple language predominate. Minor errors with simple structures; Pronunciation is generally comprehensible, with few errors but do not interfere with communication. Vocabulary tends to be simple. Few inaccuracies.
Proficient; Good

Moderately enthusiastic, comprehensible, generally can be heard, and moderately interesting Communicates confidently using simple structures; Evidence of fluency outweighs moments of uncertainty or stumbling. Consistent accuracy with simple structures. Minor errors in grammar and usage. Vocabulary is generally appropriate, despite limitations.
Exemplary; Excellent

-Enthusiastic, poised, comprehensible, can be heard by all, interesting to audience -Gets the idea across fully with little hesitation; goes beyond the minimum. -Communicates with ease overall. -Expression is as grammatically accurate as can be reasonably expected for this level. -Pronunciation is accurate throughout, with good rhythm and intonation for this level. -Knows and uses precise words for the situation.




Accuracy and Understanding Content
5 %

The student is able to demonstrate content (factual) knowledge and understanding of material addressed in question.
The oral presentation includes all points listed in the assignment.

Poor; Below Expectations

Major objectives are not identified. Insufficient information. Not identifying some key concept. Most of the points in the Project Proposal were included in the oral report. Oral presentation does not reflect understanding of the content.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Barely touching on the relevant content, poorly identifying and addressing a key concept or main idea, not substantiating points with relevant or accurate examples. Only or tow of the points in the Project Proposal were missed in the oral report.
Proficient; Good

Correctly addressing the most critical content, identifying and addressing some of the key concepts or main ideas, substantiating some points with accurate examples. Most of the points in the Project Proposal were included in the oral report.
Exemplary; Excellent

All important objectives are identified. Exemplary understanding of the presented issue(s) by thoroughly and correctly (1) addressing the relevant content, (2)identifying and addressing the key concepts or main ideas, (3) substantiating points with several accurate examples. All of the points in the Project Proposal were included in the oral report. It was well presented in a proficient manner.




Overall Impression
10 %

Overall Impression about the Project

Poor; Below Expectations

Project description is there but is confusing; not quite sure what issue is being addressed; not quite sure what the project is designed to do. No clear evidence of its significance to cause a positive social change.
Meets Minimal Expectations

Project is somewhat clearly described. The project ties directly to a current or relevant issue related to the topic, however there may be some confusion about the reasonableness of carrying out such a project.
Proficient; Good

Clearly described project; The project is directly tied to a current and relevant issue, gap, or flaw that exists in the field of knowledge surrounding the topic. The project makes sense and seems manageable and reasonable to carry out.
Exemplary; Excellent

Excellent; Solid evidence of its significance to cause a positive social change.




100 %

Poor; Below Expectations

40/100 - 40%
Meets Minimal Expectations

60/100 - 60%
Proficient; Good

80/100 - 80%
Exemplary; Excellent

100/100 - 100%

__ __ /100

  • Social Sciences; Science


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