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iRubric: Interview: Role Playing rubric

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Interview: Role Playing 
Interview with the Author
Rubric Code: P23CXX9
Ready to use
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Author Interview

2 pts

Could do better . . .

3 pts

Might get the job!

4 pts

Great Job!

5 pts

Advance Preparation


Covers 1 or fewer of the 3 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Could do better . . .

Covers 2 of the 3 criteria in the"Great Job" category
Might get the job!

Covers 3 of the 3 criteria in the"Great Job" category
Great Job!

Proper Handshake

Introduces oneself at the beginning<BR>

Has a written/typed list of questions and potential answers to questions
Presentation during Interview


Covers 2 or fewer of the 5 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Could do better . . .

Covers 3 of the 5 criteria in the"Great Job" category
Might get the job!

Covers 4 of the 5 criteria in the"Great Job" category
Great Job!

Maintains good eye contact

Uses positive body language (posture, mannerisms, gestures)

Ask at least 3 questions

Uses appropriate voice (volume and tone)
Exits interview properly (shakes hands and thanks interviewer)
Responses to Questions


Covers 2 or fewer of the 5 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Could do better . . .

Covers 3 of the 5 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Might get the job!

Covers 4 of the 5 criteria in the"Great Job" category
Great Job!

Shows willingness to volunteer information

Responds appropriately to every question

Illustrates knowledge of the novel<BR>

Relates reasoning behind questions and answers

Sounds professional by using appropriate spoken English
Politeness & Niceness


Covers 2 or fewer of the 4 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Could do better . . .

Covers 3 of the 4 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Might get the job!

Covers 4 of the 4 criteria in the "Great Job" category
Great Job!

Did not interrupt the interviewer/interviewee.

Thanked the person for the opportunity/conversation

Smiled, when appropriate
Expressed opinion respectfully without demeaning the person

  • interviews, communication

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