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iRubric: Rubric for Cuando era niña (niño) story

iRubric: Rubric for Cuando era niña (niño) story

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Rubric for Cuando era niña (niño) story 
"Cuando yo era nino(a)": Using the Imperfect to tell a story about your childhood. Use vocabulary from 4A (or vocabulary previously learned from Realidades 2 text) and the imperfect tense. Use a translator will result in a score of 1/2.
Rubric Code: KXBB769
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Public Rubric
Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Speaking Rubric
  Great storyteller

2 pts

Good storyteller

1.5 pts

Keep working!

1 pts


Great storyteller

My story clearly addresses the prompt and tells an interesting and engaging story. All required elements are present (All sentences have more than 5 words and an imperfect trigger.) Chapter 4A vocabulary (TB 208) used in a declarative sentence. Verbs beyond (not instead) Chapter 4A vocabulary from previous chapters used correctly (100-80%) in the imperfect tense. No English.
Good storyteller

My story addresses the prompt. Meets All required elements present. (Most sentences have at least 5 words and an imperfect trigger.) Chapter 4A vocabulary (TB 208) used correctly for the most part. Verbs from Chapter 4A used correctly 70% of the time.
Keep working!

My story generally addresses the prompt but my be off topic in places. One or more required elements missing. Falls short OR exceeds target length.

Great storyteller

I organize my story in a logical manner. I have a title, an opening and closing. There is a logical progression of ideas that are well-organized and clearly connected in Spanish.
Good storyteller

I organize my story in a logical manner. I have a title, an opening, and a closing. Organization is evident and ideas are generally connected in Spanish.
Keep working!

I organize my presentation in a logical manner. I may have an opening and closing, but it may need more work.

Organization is evident and ideas are generally connected.
Comprehensibility (pace)

Great storyteller

Audience can always understand what I am trying to communicate. Story is easily understood by audience. No interference from English. Student speaks clearly and does not speak so quickly that the audience gets lost. Presenter is sensitive to whether or not the audience understands the story.
Good storyteller

Audience can understand most of what I am trying to communicate. Story is understood, with occasional difficulty, by the audience. Possibly some interference from English. Presenter speaks at the perfect pace for everyone to understand.
Keep working!

Reader has difficulty understanding what I am trying to communicate. Story is understood with little difficulty by someone accustomed to language learners, but may not be understood by the audience. Presenter either too quickly or too slowly, which makes it difficult for the audience.
Use of Imperfect

Great storyteller

I clearly demonstrate my ability to correctly use (and form) the imperfect tense. I am able to use a wide range of verbs. Some of my sentences show that I can use two or more verbs (in the imperfect tense) in the same sentence.
Good storyteller

I can generally use (and form) the imperfect tense correctly. I make between 1-3 mistakes with the conjugation of the imperfect, but it does not affect comprehensibility.
Keep working!

I have a hard time using the imperfect tense appropriately to tell my story. I make between 4-6 mistakes with choice of tense and/or other errors that impede comprehension.
Other uses of language

Great storyteller

I consistently use the vocabulary from 4A or vocabulary I have learned from previously chapters.

I consistently use more sophisticated strings of sentences by using a variety of transition phrases.

I can use the imperfect tense. I know the difference between when to use the preterite (when an action that happened had a clear, brief beginning and ending) vs. the imperfect (something USED to happen--either repetitively or over a long period of time).
Good storyteller

I use a range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task. (current vocab. from Cap.4A, vocab. and any other previously learned vocabulary) However, I occasionally may be unable to find the appropriate vocabulary.

I tend to use simple, clear sentences with an occasional string of more sophisticated sentences. Some, but few transition phrases are needed to help sentences or paragraphs flow into each other.
Keep working!

I recognize and use familiar vocabulary on a range of topics but have trouble using some words.

My sentences are short and mostly clear. I attempt to add information to clarify or justify meaning, but I don't use any transition phrases or much of the vocabulary from 4A.
Preparation (time)

Great storyteller

I have prepared my story thoroughly. I have used the 4A vocabulary, the articles (el, la, los, las, un, unos, una, unas), subject/verb, or noun/adjective agreement. Errors are either non-existent or minimal (less than 2).
Story meets the 2 minutes requirement, and does not go on endlessly (more than 3 minutes). I use the imperfect tense mostly, but if I use the preterite I use it correctly. The imperfect must be the main verb used.
Good storyteller

I prepared my story, but I may have 2-4 errors of subject/verb, or noun/adjective agreement errors. Story is at least 1 minute long, but it does not make it to the required 2 minutes. I only use the imperfect tense.
Keep working!

I prepared something, but my errors impede comprehension, and I have 4-6 errors of subject/verb, or noun/adjective agreement errors. I use the present tense, and not the imperfect. I keep the story in the past tense showing that I understand the time frame. You made an attempt, which earns you more than the zero.

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