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iRubric: Keith Haring Drawing rubric

iRubric: Keith Haring Drawing rubric

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Keith Haring Drawing 
Symbols, Communication 7th Grade
Rubric Code: E23CB7C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Visual Art Rubric
  Needs Improvement

Level 1 (0-13 pts.)


Nearly Proficient

Level 2 (14-15 pts.)



Level 3 (16-17 pts.)



Level 4 (18-20 pts.)


Following Directions
20 %

Sketch, Approval, Final Pencil Drawing, Traced with Sharpie, Erased Pencil Marks, Colored in with Marker.

Needs Improvement

Student failed to follow directions, did not finish or is missing significant sections.
Nearly Proficient

Student completed the assignment but did not follow many of the directions given.

Student completed the assignment following almost all directions correctly.

Student completed the assignment followed all of the directions and turned in the work on time.
Student has chosen to take risks and challenge themself on assignment.
Student has requested assistance/feedback as needed.
Mastering the Material
20 %

Cardstock, Pencil, Sharpie, Marker.

Needs Improvement

Art work shows limited technique and understanding of of the material choice for this project.
Symbols do not communicate a similar message of the artist or project was not completed.
Nearly Proficient

Art work shows some technique and understanding of the material choice for this Project. Message is unclear but there are attempts of similarity to the artist.

Art work shows good technique. The work reflects understanding of the material choice for this project. Symbols are used to communicate meaning that is similar to the chosen artist.

Art work shows a mastery of techniques and use of the chosen material. Reflects a deep understanding of concepts discussed in class. Symbols reflect message in a creative manner as well as a similar message of the artists original intent.
20 %

Innovative design, changed the original design and made it your own.

Needs Improvement

Student passively attempts to fulfill assignment without much thought or exploration of possibilities.
Art work shows little evidence of original thought, or expansion on the original concept.
Nearly Proficient

Student is developing an exploration of possible solutions and thinking like an artist.
Art work shows some evidence of originality and an attempt to expand on the original concept.

The student's exploration of multiple solutions and thinking like an artist develops and expands during the project.

Art work reflects originality and expands on the original concept.

Student consistently displays willingness to try multiple solutions and ask thought provoking questions, which lead to deeper/more distinctive results.
Art work shows a personal vision

Art work reflects a high level of originality and expands on the original concept.
20 %

Attention to details, fully colored in, clean lines, taken care of, etc.

Needs Improvement

The artwork shows limited craftmanship and limited attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media.
Art work is messy and shows smudge marks, pencil lines, rips, tears, or folds. Or the project is incomplete.
Nearly Proficient

The artwork shows average craftmanship and average attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media.
Art work is somewhat messy and shows either smudge marks, pencil marks, rips, tears, or folds.

The artwork shows good craftmanship, with some attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media.
Art work is neatly kept.

The artwork shows outstanding craftsmanship,with clear attention to control, adaptation, selection and experimentation of medium/media.
Students use of materials is innovative
Art is in excellent condition.
20 %

You did your best each day and worked diligently!

Needs Improvement

Student did not complete assignment OR did not follow directions given,and put forth his best effort. Student was often unprepared for class, and was often off task.
Nearly Proficient

Student socialized excessively during class causing him to miss directions given. Student was off task and did not use time wisely. Student rushed to complete work in a careless manner.

Student arrived to class on time, used time wisely and put forth his best effort. He was prepared for class and helped clean up at the end of the period.

Student arrived to class on time, utilized class time wisely, took risks, may have put in extra time after class, was always prepared and helped clean up at the end of class.

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