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iRubric: Études Sociales - Le Canada rubric

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Études Sociales - Le Canada 
Rubric Code: C2468C5
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Public Rubric
Subject: Humanities  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Le Canada
  Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


Knowledge - provinces & territories

Level 1

Student demonstrates little to no knowledge of the provinces and territories and/or their details are confusing or incomplete.
Level 2

Student demonstrates some knowledge of the provinces and territories with some details such as region in Canada and amount of provinces and territories.
Level 3

Student demonstrates knowledge of the provinces and territories with details such as region in Canada and amount of provinces and territories.
Level 4

Student demonstrates considerable knowledge of the provinces and territories with many details such as region in Canada and amount of provinces and territories.
Understanding - capital cities

Level 1

Student demonstrates little to no understanding of the capital cities of each province and territory.
Level 2

Student demonstrates some understanding of the capital cities of each province and territory.
Level 3

Student demonstrates understanding of the capital cities of each province and territory.
Level 4

Student demonstrates considerable understanding of the capital cities of each province and territory.
Thinking - bodies of water

Level 1

Student demonstrates little to no thinking of Canada and the placement of the bodies of water (oceans, bays and 5 Great Lakes).
Level 2

Student demonstrates some thinking of Canada and the placement of the bodies of water (oceans, bays and 5 Great Lakes).
Level 3

Student demonstrates thinking of Canada and the placement of the bodies of water (oceans, bays and 5 Great Lakes).
Level 4

Student demonstrates considerable thinking of Canada and the placement of the bodies of water (oceans, bays and 5 Great Lakes).
Application - direction

Level 1

Student applies their limited understanding of direction (nord, est, sud, ouest) to answer questions based on a map of Canada with little to no effectiveness.
Level 2

Student applies some of their understanding of direction (nord, est, sud, ouest) to answer questions based on a map of Canada with some effectiveness.
Level 3

Student applies their understanding of direction (nord, est, sud, ouest) to answer questions based on a map of Canada.
Level 4

Student applies their understanding of direction (nord, est, sud, ouest) to answer questions based on a map of Canada with effectiveness.

  • Oral communication, Central message, Delivery techniques, Supporting material, Language

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