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Found 12 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 12 )  
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1 rubric histoire de France       popup preview  
Research an era of French history and present using Movie Maker, Prezi, or Slide Rocket.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Le Petit Prince: Write a Poem       popup preview  
Write a 10 line poem about the book and present it to the class.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric French 2 Historical Monument or Chateau       popup preview  
Create a PPT on the assigned locale containing historical information, your opinion of the monument or chateau, three unique features, two important events, two important people associated with it. Would you like to live there why or why not? Each PPT must contain a quiz of 5 questions. Presentation must be written in French spoken in French. Photos and Facts must be cited using MLA7. (EasyBib for works cited slide at the end) NO PLAGERISM. Extra credit- build your chateau out of sugar cubes!

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric French Menu       popup preview  
Create a menu for a French cafe or restaurant. Must create a French name for the restaurant or cafe. Should include foods, beverages, and appropriate prices in Euros. Correct grammar is a must. The student will include; (5) five appetizers, (8) eight entrees, and (5) five desserts. The menu you must be creative and well done.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric French: Participation and Behavior Rubric       popup preview  

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Conte de Fées/Histoire pour enfants       popup preview  
Les élèves vont créer une histoire pour des enfants. Il faut avoir: 1. les images pour chaque page 2. le vocabulaire du chapitre et varié 2. des verbes au passé composé et à l'imparfait 3. au minimum 5 pages 4. au moins 2 personnages 5. un problème et une résolution au problème 6. enregistrez votre histoire

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Food Commercial in French       popup preview  
Students will create a television commercial for a food product of their choice. Vocabulary is focused on food and grocery items. Grammar focus is on the correct usage of quantities, packaging, articles, and partitives.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Clothes Catalogue       popup preview  
Student will create a clothing catalog booklet, with title and theme. Copy written on 5 to 14 pages, 10 pictures minimum of clothing and/or accessories. Each picture has 3 to 5 sentences in correct French to describe the item: colors, sizes, fabric, price, as well as when to wear it. You can use magazine photos or internet downloads. Project will be penalized 10% for every day it is late. We will use class time to work on it. Due___________. Student will present work in class speaking French.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric French Monuments Project       popup preview  
Your travel agency asked you to create a poster/a model for the store about a French monument . Write an index card about a specific monument of Paris of your choice. Please cover the topics listed. Make sure that your project is neat and organized with titles, and that it is attractive to the client. Answer these questions: • How tall is it? (how big) • When was it built? • Why was it built? • Who built it? How much does it cost to visit? When is it open? Where is it located?

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric French Monuments Project       popup preview  
Your travel agency asked you to create a poster/a model for the store about a French monument .you will have to write a paper on the specific monument of Paris of your choice. You need to cover the topics listed. Make sure that your project is neat and organized with titles, and that it is attractive to the client. When preparing your presentation it is vital that you thoroughly research your chosen monument. Use the following points to research: Factual details about the monument • How tall is it? (how big) • When was it built? • Why was it built? • Who built it? • Are there any interesting facts for the visitor? Factual details for the tourist • What are the opening hours of the monument? • How many tourists visit the monument each year? • How do you get to the monument by public transport? • When is the monument open? • How much does it cost to visit the monument?

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric Bande Dessinée       popup preview  
Dessinez une bande dessinée qui a au moins 6 scenes. Chaque scene doit avoir au moins 5 mots. Utilisez des temps convenables de la classe de francais. Utilisez des adjectifs et faites l'accord!

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric French Weather Diorama Rubric       popup preview  
Weather exploration DIORAMA (40 points) : Select 4 different types of weather (in French) and create a diorama. A diorama is a miniature scene in a box, but divided into 4 sections. With your diorama, you will label the scene in French (eg. "Il pleut" or "Il fait du soleil," etc.) and include scenes that would compliment the weather. Be creative!

Grade levels:   K-5   9-12  

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