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iRubric: Canterbury Tales Character Facebook Page rubric

iRubric: Canterbury Tales Character Facebook Page rubric

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Canterbury Tales Character Facebook Page 
After reading Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, students will create a fictional Facebook online social networking site through the guise of two of the Pilgrims. Students will have to demonstrate extended depths of knowledge about the play through a variety of ways. On their Facebook page, students will include: friends of their character (selecting both characters story and extending into history, other literary texts etc.); provide status updates that chronologically depict a timeline of events from the pilgrimage; use quotes from the text as status updates/ wall posts and commentary to facilitate inter-character communication; and use graphics, pictures with captions to highlight character interests, activities, motivations etc. Students will use the word template provided by the teacher or create on of their own.
Rubric Code: Y87CBX
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Macbeth Character Facebook Page
  Exceeds Standard

4 pts

Meets Standard

3 pts

Nearly Meets Standard

2 pts

Below Standard

1 pts

Character Description

Exceeds Standard

Character description include in-depth analysis that relates to the play and the time the character lived in. Should include at least three "interests" and "activities".
Meets Standard

Character description includes some analysis of character traits and/or was missing some "interests" and "activities"
Nearly Meets Standard

Character description includes a little analysis of the character. Not that much time and effort was spent in this area.
Below Standard

Character description is limited to basic analysis.
"About Me"

Exceeds Standard

Provides at least three quotes and examples that accurately and clearly describe character.
Meets Standard

Describes character briefly and accurately using at least two quotes.
Nearly Meets Standard

Describes character with examples but uses less than two quotes.
Below Standard

Not clear or accurate. Few or no examples or quotes given.

Exceeds Standard

The page was attractive, and informative The page reflected the character's personality and some Elizabethan language or "style" was used.
Meets Standard

The page was attractive, and informative. Elizabethan language was not used, but Elizabethan "style" was.
Nearly Meets Standard

The page was attractive and somewhat informative and/or modern English was used.
Below Standard

Page does not reflect personality of character.
Lacking in "style".

Exceeds Standard

Assignment contains all required elements.
information is accurate, easy to understand and creatively presented.
Meets Standard

Assignment contains most of the required elements. Profile and informaton are accurate and clearly described.
Nearly Meets Standard

Assignment contains some of the required elements. Profile and infoemation are sketchy and unclear. Deatails are not consistent.
Below Standard

Assignment contains few of the required elements. Profile and information is incomplete, and/or has inaccurate details.
Evidence from the Text

Exceeds Standard

Assignment is clearly composed with strong evidence from the text.
Meets Standard

Assignment has good evidence from the text.
Nearly Meets Standard

Assignment has some evidence from the text.
Below Standard

Assignment has little. to no, evidence from the text.
Use of Class time

Exceeds Standard

Class time used efficiently and appropriately to research the era and create interesting, well written,Facebook Page; extra effort above and beyond.
Meets Standard

Class time used mostly effectively to research the era and create coherent, understandable Facebook Page.
Nearly Meets Standard

Class time used about 50% of the time to research the era and person.
Below Standard

Class time used less than 50% of the time to research the era and person.

  • Macbeth Facebook Page



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