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iRubric: Speech Rubric

iRubric: Speech Rubric

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Rubric for assessment of non-research-based speeches (with references to the DK Guide to Public Speaking)
Rubric Code: Y6B67X
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

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  Model Speaker

5 pts


4.5 pts

Average Speaker

3.5 pts

Fledgling Speaker

2 pts

Lax Speaker

0 pts

Attention Getter

pp. 144-149

Model Speaker

Device grabs attention of audience. It's creative, imaginative and thoughtful.

Attention device has audience watching and thinking.
Average Speaker

Audience is listening with some attention.
Fledgling Speaker

Attention device is unrelated to the topic.
Lax Speaker

Attention device is missing.
Relating Topic to Audience

Model Speaker

Relates topic to audience with strong connection and clear reasoning.

Relates topic to audience building a good connection between audience and topic.
Average Speaker

Relates topic to audience building a fair connection between audience and topic.
Fledgling Speaker

Attempts to connect topic with audience but is unsuccessful.
Lax Speaker

No attempt made to connect the topic with the audience.
Relating Topic to Self

Model Speaker

Detailed information provided directly relates topic to self with strength and clarity.

Convinces audience of a relationship between the topic and self.
Average Speaker

Topic related to self in an appropriate way.
Fledgling Speaker

Attempts to relate topic to self but the connection is not very convincing.
Lax Speaker

No credibility established.
Thesis and Preview

pp 76-87, 146-147

Model Speaker

Thesis clearly revealed and well structured for speech as well as audience. Previews body of speech in a memorable and effective way.

Thesis stated and appropriate for the speech as well as audience. Previews body so audience knows main points in brevity.
Average Speaker

Thesis needs strength or structure. Audience is somewhat considered. Preview incomplete.
Fledgling Speaker

Thesis missing OR Preview missing.
Lax Speaker

Thesis inappropriate or missing AND Forecast is missing or indistinguishable.
Main Points

pp. 152-155

Model Speaker

Main points are effective and strongly support thesis.

Main points are separate and support thesis.
Average Speaker

Some main points overlap or are redundant.
Fledgling Speaker

Some main points are unclear.
Lax Speaker

Some main points are missing.

pp. 166-168

Model Speaker

Main points are strongly supported with convincing evidence from a variety of true stories, surprising facts and examples.

Main points are supported with convincing evidence from a variety of true stories, surprising facts, and examples.
Average Speaker

Main points are supported with the minimum of a true story and an example, though the attempt is somewhat awkward.
Fledgling Speaker

Support for main points is below the minimum requirement.
Lax Speaker

No support for the main points is presented.

pp. 152-153

Model Speaker

Complete transition between main points creates effective flow.

Clear, complete transition between main points.
Average Speaker

Complete but awkward transition between main points.
Fledgling Speaker

Transition missing an element.
Lax Speaker

Transition is missing.
Conclusion Review

pp. 149-151

Model Speaker

Reviews Thesis and main points of speech in a memorable and effective way that provides an effective flow leading to the Moral and WOW Statement.

Reviews Thesis and main points of speech in a clear way that provides an effective flow leading to the Moral and WOW Statement.
Average Speaker

Reviews Thesis and main points clearly.
Fledgling Speaker

Reviews thesis or main points OR the reviews were awkward and hard to follow.
Lax Speaker

Review of thesis and main points missing.
Moral & WOW Statement

pp. 149-151

Model Speaker

Moral and WOW statement are compelling and memorable.

Moral and WOW statement are clear and complete.
Average Speaker

Moral and WOW statement are complete but lack a sense of closure.
Fledgling Speaker

Speech ends abruptly, may be missing elements of Moral and WOW statement.
Lax Speaker

Conclusion missing. Audience didn't know when to clap OR the speaker ended with "That's it", "I'm done", "the end", etc...
Volume variation

pp. 290-291

Model Speaker

Volume easily heard throughout the audience; adds interest, drama, passion.

Volume easily heard throughout audience, adds interest.
Average Speaker

Volume easily heard throughout much of the speech, though at times a bit too soft, too loud or directionless.
Fledgling Speaker

Volume is consistently too loud or too soft.
Lax Speaker

No effort to vary volume for audience interest is made.
Rate Variation

pp 289-290

Model Speaker

Rate variation is effective and clear; adds power, drama, empathy, suspense.

Rate is understandable and appropriate throughout the speech.
Average Speaker

Rate is occasionally too fast or too slow. A few words garbled.
Fledgling Speaker

Rate is consistently too fast.
Lax Speaker

Rate is consistently too slow.
Pitch Variation

p 288

Model Speaker

Pitch variation is effective and dynamic; adds interest and focus.

Pitch variation is effective and appropriate throughout the speech.
Average Speaker

Pitch variation is effective much of the time but there are times when you become monotone or directionless.
Fledgling Speaker

Pitch variation is largely ineffective. You show a lack of focus on connecting with the audience. Though much of the speech you sound monotone and/or directionless.
Lax Speaker

You show a lack of focus on connecting with the audience. Throughout the speech you sound monotone and/or directionless.
Oral Style

Model Speaker

Conversational style flows easily; engages and enthralls the audience; fluid speech. Speaker appears relaxed and confident.

Mostly conversational; throughout most of the speech you engage the audience. Work just a bit to excite and enthrall the audience more fully.
Average Speaker

While much of the speech seems memorized or performed there are times that you talk to us - do this more often so we can connect more fully.
Fledgling Speaker

Attempts to be conversational; reading, reciting or lack of audience focus lead to written or stiltied style. Nervousness apparent.
Lax Speaker

Not conversational; speech delivered entirely in written or awkward, stilted style.
Vocal Fillers

p 292

Model Speaker

Conversational style flows easily; you engage the audience without distracting with vocal fillers.

Only a few vocal fillers that do not distract from the fluency of the message.
Average Speaker

The vocal fillers begin to interrupt the flow of your speech. This disrupts audience attention.
Fledgling Speaker

The consistent vocal fillers interrupt the flow of your speech and force the audience to work to follow the message.
Lax Speaker

Nearly impossible to follow the flow of the speech due to the constant interruptions caused by vocal fillers.

Chapter 10

Model Speaker

Language is vivid, clear and unique enough to maintain audience interest. Grammar/ pronunciation correct.

Language is clear, interesting and understandable with few grammar/pronunciation errors.
Average Speaker

Language is plain, uninteresting; several grammar/pronunciation errors.
Fledgling Speaker

Language has many grammar/pronunciation errors.
Lax Speaker

Language is offensive/marginalizing.
Eye Contact

pp 286-287

Model Speaker

Effectively, consistently engages audience with friendly, comfortable and compelling eye contact, speaking to one person per thought or phrase.

Consistently engages audience with eye contact, speaking to one person per thought or phrase.
Average Speaker

Attempts to establish eye contact but engages in 1-2 of the ineffective behaviors on pp 286-287
Fledgling Speaker

The intimacy of direct eye contact seems too scary. The eyes slide away from audience members constantly.
Lax Speaker

Rarely looks at audience. The audience feels left out and bored.
Facial Expressions

pp 285-286

Model Speaker

Facial expressions enhance the message and are consistent with the intent of the message for the entire presentation.

Facial expressions are consistent with the intent of the message throughout most of the presentation.
Average Speaker

Facial expressions are somewhat consistent with the intent of the message.
Fledgling Speaker

Facial expressions are stoic, plain or the speaker seems bored.
Lax Speaker

Facial expressions do not match the intended message and create confusion or misplace audience focus.
Posture, Body Movement and Gestures

pp 283-285

Model Speaker

Relaxed yet focused upright posture, body movement and gestures effectively focus attention on the message.

Posture is upright but may be a bit stiff. Body movement and gestures are appropriate but infrequent.
Average Speaker

Posture is directed downward or is off-balance. Attempts to use body movement and gestures. Appears uncomfortable.
Fledgling Speaker

Posture appears weak and uncomfortable. Body movement and gestures appear robotic or distracting.
Lax Speaker

No attention or energy is given to posture. No attempt made to use body movement or gestures to enhance message.
Clothing and Grooming

pp 286-288

Model Speaker

Attire is clean, fits well and is appropriate for the occasion. Grooming choices assure that hair and adornments don’t draw focus from the message.

Attire is clean and appropriate for the occasion. Grooming choices may need a little more attention (hair out of eyes, no cap, no bangles, etc…)
Average Speaker

Your clothing choices minimally distract from the message. Please don't wear clothes with images or logos.
Fledgling Speaker

Attire too casual. Your clothes diminish your credibility by drawing attention to themselves and distracting from the message. In addition, please work on your grooming to assure that hair and other adornments don’t draw focus.
Lax Speaker

Your attire and grooming consistently draws attention from the message; Please wear clothes that fit, keep your hair out of your eyes and avoid jewelry that makes noises.
Speaking outline

4 cards max.
pp 181-186

Model Speaker

Key words/phrases except thesis, all elements represented; cards are sequenced.

Key words/phrases except thesis, all most elements represented; cards are sequenced.
Average Speaker

While most elements are represented the delivery outline is written in full sentences.
Fledgling Speaker

A manuscript is used rather than a keyword outline.
Lax Speaker

Speaking outline is missing.

  • research, speech,


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