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iRubric: Biome Group PowerPoint Rubric

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Biome Group PowerPoint Rubric 
The students have completed a PowerPoint in groups on a given biome.
Rubric Code: N236874
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Biome Group PowerPoint Rubric
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25 pts


20 pts


15 pts


10 pts


Students' PowerPoint is complete and detailed.


PowerPoint is complete and contains all of the criteria: names the biome they were given, describes the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, gives 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

PowerPoint is mostly complete containing 5-6 of the criteria: names the biome they were given, describes the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, gives 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

PowerPoint only contains 3-4 of the criteria: names the biome they were given, describes the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, gives 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

PowerPoint contains 0-2 of the criteria: names the biome they were given, describes the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, gives 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

Students' Presentation.


Presentation has all of the criteria: all group members are present on their given date for presenting. Students' came completely prepared with a hard copy of their PowerPoint, and are able to bring it up on the document camera. Each member presents at least one slide. Students' correctly pronounce all of the words on their slides when presenting.

Presentation has most of the criteria 3-4: all group members are present on their given date for presenting. Students' came completely prepared with a hard copy of their PowerPoint, and are able to bring it up on the document camera. Each member presents at least one slide. Students' correctly pronounce all of the words on their slides when presenting.

Presentation follows only 2-3 of the criteria: all group members are present on their given date for presenting. Students' came completely prepared with a hard copy of their PowerPoint, and are able to bring it up on the document camera. Each member presents at least one slide. Students' correctly pronounce all of the words on their slides when presenting.

Presentation has 0-1 of the criteria: all group members are present on their given date for presenting. Students' came completely prepared with a hard copy of their PowerPoint, and are able to bring it up on the document camera. Each member presents at least one slide. Students' correctly pronounce all of the words on their slides when presenting.

Students' PowerPoint's visual aesthetic /creativity.


The Powerpoint contains all of the criteria: clear pictures of the plants, animals, and real-life examples. The slides are not too wordy,and the words are easy to read(not too small or big). There are no spelling errors. It has at least some color-not bland. They add any creative embellishments.

Presentation has most of the criteria 3-4: clear pictures of the plants, animals, and real-life examples. The slides are not too wordy,and the words are easy to read(not too small or big). There are no spelling errors. It has at least some color-not bland. They add any creative embellishments.

Presentation follows only 2-3 of the criteria: clear pictures of the plants, animals, and real-life examples. The slides are not too wordy,and the words are easy to read(not too small or big). There are no spelling errors. It has at least some color-not bland. They add any creative embellishments.

Presentation has 0-1 of the criteria: clear pictures of the plants, animals, and real-life examples. The slides are not too wordy,and the words are easy to read(not too small or big). There are no spelling errors. It has at least some color-not bland. They add any creative embellishments.

Accuracy of PowerPoint information.


All of the PowerPoint Criteria is accurate: name of the biome they were given, description of the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

Most of the PowerPoint criteria is accurate 5-6: name of the biome they were given, description of the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

Only 3-4 of the PowerPoint criteria is accurate: name of the biome they were given, description of the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

0-2 of the PowerPoint criteria is accurate: name of the biome they were given, description of the climate,6 examples of animal and plant life, 2 examples of plant or animal adaptions that fit with their biome, how the biome is effected by climate change, at least 2 real-life examples, with pictures of those examples and their latitude and longitude of where they are located.

  • biome



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