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iRubric: Essay writing rubric

iRubric: Essay writing rubric

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Essay writing rubric 
6-point, 6 trait writing rubric - all 2s equal 70;all 3s equal 75.
Rubric Code: K6W83W
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric 6 Point 6 Traits - Weighted
  1 - Under developed

10.89 pts

2 - Developing

11.67 pts

3 - Fair

12.5 pts

4 - Good

14.5 pts

5 - Very Good

15.6 pts

6 - Excellent

16.66 pts


1 - Under developed

No main idea, purpose, theme; writer seems uncomfortable with topic or changes subject; Hastily assembled notes, random thoughts; writer needs to define topic - then gather information.
2 - Developing

Writer lacks clear vision - still defining topic - key question; writer struggles with insufficient knowledge - writing is strained; broad unsupported observations, invented details; filler, writing to fill space.
3 - Fair

Clear, focused moments are overshadowed by undeveloped texts; writer needs greater knowledge of topic - gaps apparent; marked by common knowledge and best guesses; generalities or lists of undeveloped points
4 - Good

Clear and focused more often than not;writer knows topic well enough to write in broad terms;some new information, some common knowledge; main ideas can be easily inferred, quality details outweigh generalities.
5 - Very Good

Clear. focused, compelling - holds the reader's attention; reflects thorough knowledge of topic; Authentic, convincing information from experience/research; Clear main idea well supported by facts.
6 - Excellent

Clear, focused, compelling ideas; strong main idea; striking insight, impressive knowledge of topic;
Takes reader on a journey of understanding

1 - Under developed

Reader feels lost; starts right in (no thesis) - just stops (no conclusion)l transitions missing - points may not be connected; disjointed collection of details/thoughts with no structure/design.
2 - Developing

Hard to follow - even with effort; Thesis or conclusion missing, formulaic or misleading; transitions unclear, missing or not helpful in linking ideasl significant re-organization needed - pacing feels random.
3 - Fair

Reader can follow discussion if he/she is attentive;thesis formulaic or misleading;conclusion formulaic or abrupt;transitions sometimes missing or mechanical;structure may be formulaic or confusing - pacing rushed or slugglish.
4 - Good

Organization makes it fairly easy to follow discussion;functional thesis and conclusion;helpful transitions often suggest connections;overall design works - writers sometimes dwells on trivia or skims over complex topics.
5 - Very Good

Purposeful structure helps the reader follow writer's thinking;Strong thesis - conclusion provides closure; thoughtful transitions clearly connect ideas;Design helps reader process ideas - pacing makes main ideas stand out.
6 - Excellent

Thoughtful structure guides reader effortlessly through text;provocative opening - enlightening conclusion;Transitions suggest connections reader might not think of;design enhances reader's understanding - pacing is just right;Unexpected turns, surprises lend creative twists.

1 - Under developed

No sense of person behind words; reader feels no invitation to share text aloud; no apparent engagement with topic; concern for audience; voice just missing.
2 - Developing

Writer seems to be in hiding;A hint of voice - text not ready for sharing;Just a whisper - OR the wrong voice for the audience, purpose;Remote, encyclopedic OR inappropriately informal.
3 - Fair

Voice emerges sporadically - then retreats;A share-aloud moment;Voice seems meachnical,not always directed to audience;Quiet, subdued, restrained, inconsistent.
4 - Good

Sparks of individuality;Reader might share a line or two;Voice fades at times - accectable for topic/audience; Pleasant,sincere, emerging, earnest
5 - Very Good

Original - definitely distinctive;A good "read aloud" candidate;Voice appealing and well-suited to topic/audience; Spontaneous, lively, expressive, enthusiastic.
6 - Excellent

As individual as fingerprints;begs to be read aloud - reader can't wait to share it;Uses voice as tool to enhance meaning;passionate, vibrant, electric, compelling;Reveals the human spirit.
Word Choice

1 - Under developed

Words chosen to fill page; apparent struggle to get words on paper; language does not speak to reader.
2 - Developing

Tired words, the wrong word, or thesaurus overload;Have to search hard for moments that work well;Word choice and wordiness cloud the message;Adjective avalanche - where are the verbs? Reader must work hard to get the picture.
3 - Fair

Language clear on a general level - "first thoughts";Broad brushstrokes with an occasional stronger moment;Vague words or wordiness water down the message;Overused modifiers/weak verbs outnumber strong moments;Reader may encounter cliches, or overwritten text(writing to impress)
4 - Good

Functional, clear language used correctly;Easy to understand, some eye- and ear- catching phrases;Vague words(fun, nice) or wordiness - meaning still clear, though;Some strong verbs;Strong moments outweigh cliches, tired words, overwritten text.
5 - Very Good

Natural language used well;Engaging - makes you want to keep reading;well-chosen words enhance meaning - concise;Strong verbs, striking phrasing;Words appeal to senses, create clear images.
6 - Excellent

Everyday language used in original ways;You want to read it moer than once - to savor it;Every word carries its own weight;Powerful, stunning verbs, unique phrasing;words capture what is hard to express.
Sentence Fluency

1 - Under developed

Hard to read, even with effort;Missing words, awkward moments, irregular structure;Hard to judge variety - hard to tell where sentences begin;Fragments(if used) impair readability.
2 - Developing

You can read it if you're patient - and you rehearse;many run-ons, choppy sentences, non-sentences, or other problems;minimal variety in style, length;Fragments (if used) are oversights.
3 - Fair

Mechanical, but readable;Gangly, never-ending or chop-chop choppy text common;Repetitive beginnings, little variety in length;Fragments (if used) do not work.
4 - Good

Natural phrasing - easy to read;Rhythmic flow dominates - a few awkward moments;Some variety in style,length; Fragments not a problem.
5 - Very Good

Can be read with expression;Easygoing rhythm,flow, cadence;Significant variety in style, length;Fragments add emphasis.
6 - Excellent

Easy to read with inflection that brings out voice;Lyrical-dances along like a script, poem or song;Stunning variety in style, length;Fragments effective;Makes reader want to say, "Listen to this."

1 - Under developed

Not edited yet - serious, frequent errors;Reading/processing text takes attentive effort;Errors on basics obscure meaning, put up road blocks;Word by word editing needed prior to publication.
2 - Developing

Minimal editing - frequent distracting errors;Errors get in the way of message, require frequent rereading;Numerous errors even on basics;Line by line editing needed prior to publication.
3 - Fair

Erratic editing - noticeable, distracting errors;Errors may slow reader or effect message in spots;Problems even with basic conventions;Thorough,careful editing needed prior to publication
4 - Good

Noticable errors - however, reader breezes right through;Errors do not interfere with meaning;Shows control over basics(caps, end punctuation);Good once-over needed prior to publication.
5 - Very Good

Edited well - minor errors that are easily overlooked; Conventions support meaning, voice;Ready to publish with light touch-ups.
6 - Excellent

Thoroughly edited - only the pickiest editors will spot errors;Conventions enhance meaning, voice;Complexity of text showcases wide range of conventions;Virtually ready to publish.

  • 6 Traits, six traits, writing



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