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iRubric: Pop Culture  Curation Rubric 2014

iRubric: Pop Culture Curation Rubric 2014

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Pop Culture Curation Rubric 2014 
Curate a collection of readings, viewings, listenings and interactives that product that reflect our essential questions as a class: how does pop culture influence society and ourselves, and vice versa.
Rubric Code: JX29XA7
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Pop Culture Curation

Exceeds the Standard

97 pts

Library of Congress

Meets the Standard

85 pts

Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

Partially Meets the Standard

65 pts

Stuff and Junk and Crap

Does Not Yet Meet the Standard

50 pts

Essential Questions

* How does pop culture influence society?<BR>
* How does society influence pop culture?<BR>
* How does pop culture influence my life?
* How do I influence Pop culture?


I love how your curated items connect to more than one of the essential questions through meaningful, insightful, unique examples
Library of Congress

I like how your curated items connect to one of the essential questions through meaningful, insightful, unique examples
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed your curated items don't really connect to the essential questions in any meaningful way, even if they are kinda "neat." How might you curate with more intention?
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? You linked to a thing. Okay. Why? How can I help?
Curation Rationales

How effective is your explanation of curating the item (WRITING)


I love how you explain your thinking and intentions using specific examples and tying the item directly to the essential questions in a powerful, unique, and/or meaningful way.
Library of Congress

I like how you explain your thinking and intentions using specifics that prove you've examined the item.
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed your explanation doesn't really provide specific examples to explain your thinking and intentions behind your curation. How might you make it more clear your examined the item?
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? You don't seem to be explaining your thinking or intentions at all here. How can I help?
Curation Quantity

How many items did you curate this week?<BR>


I love how you curated three or more items for the week including the #flight307pc hashtag
Library of Congress

I like how you curated two items for the week including the #flight307pc hashtag
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed you only curated one item this week. How can I help you find more content to explore?
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? You didn't curate . . . anything . . . ?
Sources & Citations

* Where are the sources for these ideas? Has credit been given to images, sounds, etc?<BR>


I love how your sources have been cited and referenced with 100% MLA format accuracy
Library of Congress

I like how your sources have been cited and referenced with at least a link and a date of publication/release or web visit.
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed that you haven't cited all of your sources. How can you at least gather up the dates of publication/release or web visit.
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? No citing of the sources? Wait . . . you didn't direct Inception yourself . . . did you? How can I help?
Professional Quality

* Spelling, mechanics, formatting, appearance, crispness<BR>


I love how your product and written explanation provide 100% MUGS accuracy and completely professional appearance
Library of Congress

I like how your product and written explanation feature only a minor typo or two and general seems very professional in appearance.
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed that you've got several significant typos or mistakes and/or needs for noticeable improvement in terms of professional quality. How might you revise?
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? It looks like you didn't really spend much time looking this over OR didn't access the resources you need to help you be successful. How can I help?



love that you turned it in on time or even early or by the agreed upon date. Boomshakala.
Library of Congress

I like that you turned it in before it was a full day late. It happens. Life goes on.
Mr Ryder's Geek Lair

I noticed turned in up to 1 week late. How can I help? What might you do to prevent this from happening next time?
Stuff and Junk and Crap

What's up? You turned turned this sucker in later than 2 weeks. What's going on? How can I help?

  • Flight307



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