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iRubric: CER Paragraph rubric

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CER Paragraph 
Students will demonstrate their ability to answer a prompt using a CER paragraph.
Rubric Code: G24692A
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric CER Paragraph
Student will answer the given prompt using a CER paragraph.
  Below Standard

2 pts

Approaching Standard

3 pts

Met Standard

4 pts

Claim/Topic sentence

The claim must include the title of the book, authors name, and end by answering the prompt with a claim.

Below Standard

TWO OR MORE are missing: Claim/Topic sentence is missing the title of the book, authors name, and/or the claim.

The claim does not answer the prompt OR the claim is not written as an opinion stated as fact.
Approaching Standard

Either the title of the book, authors name, OR claim is missing.

The claim answers the prompt and is written as an opinion stated as fact.
Met Standard

The Topic sentence included the title of the books, authors name, AND claim.

The claim answers the prompt and is written as an opinion stated as fact.
Lead in

The lead in must give the reader background context to the quote you are using as evidence.

Below Standard

Lead in does not give context to the quote used as evidence Or there is no lead in.
Approaching Standard

Lead in gives SOME background context to the quote bring used as evidence.
Met Standard

The lead in gives background context to the quote being used as evidence.

The evidence must connect to the claim and be from the text. You must correctly cite the quote using MLA formatting.

Below Standard

Evidence does not connect to claim. Evidence is not correctly cited using MLA citation.
Approaching Standard

Evidence connects to the claim but is not properly cited using MLA citation.


Evidence does not connect to the claim but has proper MLA citation.
Met Standard

The evidence connects to the claim and has proper MLA citation.

Your reasoning should validate your claim by explaining how the evidence relates to the claim. The reasoning should address the prompt.

Below Standard

TWO OR MORE are missing: The reasoning does not validate claim and/or does not explain how the evidence relates to claim and/or address the prompt.
Approaching Standard

The reasoning validates the claim and answers the prompt but does not connect to the evidence.
Met Standard

The reasoning validates the claim by explaining how the evidence relates to the claim.

The reasoning addresses the prompt.
Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and Grammar have been checked and corrected. Transitional phrases are used to create cohesion between sentences.

Below Standard

There are 3-5 mistakes in grammar and/or spelling.

No transitional phrases are used.
Approaching Standard

There are 1 or 2 errors in spelling and/or grammar

Transitional phrases are used.
Met Standard

There are no errors in spelling and/or grammar.

Transitional phrases are used.



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