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iRubric: Book Project Informative Essay rubric

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Book Project Informative Essay 
Informational writing includes non-fiction writing that describes, explains, informs, or summarizes ideas and content. The writing supports a statement based on research, observation, and/or experience. This writing piece is based on reading informational text. Students are informing the reader about their topic, which includes all components of an informative essay.
Rubric Code: B246W64
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Purpose of Essay
Write an essay about 1 of the topics discussed in class that relates to
"The King of Jam Sandwiches"
- Mental Health
- Relationships, good And/Or bad
- Attitudes, Good And Bad.
Circle which one you chose
  Below Grade Standards


Achieving Grade Standards


Meeting Grade Standards


Above Grade Standards



Essay has a clear,focused purpose.The main impression/trait is clear.The Tone/Mood of the essay is clear.

Below Grade Standards

Writing does not contain background information, it fails to answer and support the topic/main idea.
Achieving Grade Standards

Writing attempts to provide background information that partially answers and supports the topic/main idea.
Meeting Grade Standards

Writing contains background information that mostly answers and supports the topic/main idea.
Above Grade Standards

Writing contains background information that completely answers and supports the topic/main idea.
Supporting Details/Evidence

Writer follows prompts and includes evidence to support topic/main idea.

Below Grade Standards

Writing does not include evidence to support the topic/main idea. Does not use sensory or concrete words/details that support the topic/main idea.
Achieving Grade Standards

Writing includes minimal evidence that partially supports the topic/main idea. Uses minimal sensory or concrete words/details that support the topic/main idea.
Meeting Grade Standards

Writing includes evidence that mostly supports the topic/main idea with several details,facts,or examples. Uses some sensory/concrete words and details that support the topic/main idea.
Above Grade Standards

Writing includes evidence that completely supports the topic/main idea with many details, facts, or examples. Uses many sensory/concrete words and details that support the topic/main idea.

Main idea, clear and concise

Below Grade Standards

Writing does not communicate information and ideas accurately. Focus is missing. Does not connect back to thesis statement.
Achieving Grade Standards

Writing partially communicates information and ideas accurately. Focus is somewhat present. Writing does not connect back to thesis statement.
Meeting Grade Standards

Writing mostly communicates information and ideas accurately and is easy to understand. Focus is on subtopics. These subtopics connect back to the thesis statement.
Above Grade Standards

Writing completely communicates information accurately. Focus is on subtopics, which connects back to the thesis statement. The writing goes beyond and makes connections to other texts.

The internal structure is clear and logical. Solid introduction and conclusion.

Below Grade Standards

Organization is unclear. The beginning is weak. Details are missing. Supporting details are missing. There is not a conclusion.
Achieving Grade Standards

Organization somewhat clear. The beginning is weak and does not give clues about what is coming. Details to not add more to the thesis. Supporting details are in the incorrect place. The conclusion is weak or missing.
Meeting Grade Standards

Organization is clear. The beginning is strong and gives clues about what is coming. Most details add more to the thesis. Supporting details are in the correct place. There is a decent conclusion.
Above Grade Standards

Organization is clear and compelling. The beginning grabs the readers attention and gives clues about what is coming. Every detail adds more to the thesis. Supporting details are in the correct place. There is a strong conclusion.
Word Choice

Precision, effectiveness, and imagery

Below Grade Standards

Limited range of vocabulary. Some vocabulary missed.
Achieving Grade Standards

Common words chosen. Monotonous often repetitious, sometimes inappropriate.
Meeting Grade Standards

Language is functional and appropriate. Descriptions may be overdone at times. Words may be correct but mundane.
Above Grade Standards

Precise, carefully chosen. Strong, fresh, vivid images. Descriptive, broad range of words. Word choices energize reader.

Follows expectations for spelling,grammar and punctuation.

Below Grade Standards

Many incomplete sentences with many mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar making it difficult to read.
Achieving Grade Standards

Some sentences are complete with repeated mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
Meeting Grade Standards

Most sentences are complete with some (4-6) mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
Above Grade Standards

All sentences are complete with very few (0-3) or no mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar.

  • Informational Writing


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