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My Portfolio

Foong May Lee


During my secondary school years, I was involved in the Student Union and also the in the Chinese Orchestra. In the year 2005, I participated in the election campaign running as the secretary for the Student Union. Even though I lose, the campaign helped me gained alot of valuable experience in terms of planning and marketing. By joining the campaign, I needed to market myself to the whole school for them to vote for me. I also needed good social skills, not to mention, planning skills as I would need to plan ahead for my next step.


I was also the treasurer for the Chinese Orchestra club. My responsibilities included collecting the annual member fees, preparing the club's accounting books, report the club's financial activities in the annual general meeting and most important of all, managing the club's funds. For example, I would need a proof of purchase from those who were representing the club to buy things. Being a treasurer allowed me to gain some insight into the financial workings of a club and therefore, learning some skills that I would be able to apply in the future.


In college, I participated in the Be-ADP club, which was the Business Entrepreneurs club of ADP (American Degree Program). Sad to say that they club did not have much activities.
