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My Portfolio

Foong May Lee

Skills and Abilities


Attention to detail and accuracy

Whenever I am doing something, I will make sure that a lot of attention is paid to the details and the accuracy of the given information. I am a perfectionist, especially when it comes to my work or something that matters a lot. While entering data, I wil make sure that I double check with the information and my entry so that I don't make any mistakes.



Time is a very important resource nowadays. While balancing a few projects and classes, I came to realized that efficient use of time is really important. This is where technology comes into the picture. With the help of technology, such as more and more sophiscated computer programs and more powerful hardwares, I am able to complete a task with much efficiency. That is why, I make sure that whenever I am using a computer software, I make sure that I am fully utilizing the available resource.



Being born and raised in a multi-racial country, I would have learn at least 3 languages since young, namely Malay, the national language of Malaysia, English which is a requirement and also Chinese, my mother toungue. Not to mention I also know how to speak in Cantonese, one of the Chinese dialects. Currently I am studying Japanese while learning some Korean from a friend.

