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AASUCareBiLL Fundraiser


    The evening before the Memorial Fundraiser we both spent 5-6 hours baking chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and rice crispy treats.  We also made posters that we hung on our fundraising table to attract people.       

    When we were at the memorial doing our bakery sale, it was very successful. At that time, a lot of people did not know about what the CareBill was. We took turns to explain about the Bill. Most people seemed very interested to learn about this.  Some of the people just came to our table and  gave us donation without buying anything from us and said keep it up, we need support to pass this Bill.

    If we had gone somewhere else to tell people about this Bill, people wouldn't know about it. Even Seema's neighbourhood when seema was telling people about the CareBill, some people wanted to know about it but others were not concerned. It seems like people don't care. Seema went to a friend's engagement party and three or four people did not have the four years of degree on radiologic Science but working on the hospital as a X-ray technician. They were telling that why are they trying to pass this law. Also They mentioned that since I was in Nuclear Medicine program, it was fine to pass this law but they were not happy about X-Ray.


