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iRubric: Feedback to Improve Skill rubric

iRubric: Feedback to Improve Skill rubric

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Feedback to Improve Skill 
Students are to provide feedback, using the guiding questions, on a skill that needs improvement used by their peers. Students will view their peer's video and their feedback graded on the criteria below.
Rubric Code: TXB54CB
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: Reflection  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Skills Demonstration Feedback
Instructions: View the assigned recordings of your peers and use the following questions to provide peer feedback on a skill that needs improvement for each assigned peer. Please be honest with your feedback and provide appropriate citations that support your assessment.

0 pts

Beneath Expectations


1 pts

Approaching Expectations


2 pts

Meets Expectations


3 pts

Exceeds Expectations


4 pts

Skill Identification

Label the skill (choose a verbal skill)/Define the skill (cite source)/Note the minute mark where skill is used (choose only 1 specific use of the skill)


Student did not correctly label the skill. Student provided no definition of the skill, and student did not identify minute mark when skill was used.
Beneath Expectations

Student was missing more than one of the following; correctly labeled the skill, correctly defined the skill, provided minute mark of when skill was used, and used appropriate citations.
Approaching Expectations

Student is missing one of the following; correctly labeled the skill, correctly defined the skill, provided minute mark of when skill was used, and used appropriate citations.
Meets Expectations

Student accurately labeled and defined an easily identifiable skill with correct time mark and appropriate citations.
Exceeds Expectations

Student accurately labeled and defined a more uncommon skill with correct time mark and citations beyond the required materials.
What Could Benefit from Improvement

What is it about the skill execution that would benefit from improvement (be specific)?


Student provided no feedback on how the skill could be improved.
Beneath Expectations

Student feedback was short and did not demonstrate their knowledge of the skill or how it could be improved.
Approaching Expectations

Student feedback was critical but showed little knowledge about the skill and how it could be improved.
Meets Expectations

Student feedback on improving the skill demonstrated comprehension. Student showed knowledge and understanding of the skill and its intent.
Exceeds Expectations

Student feedback demonstrates superior comprehension of the skill and how it could be improved. Student utilizes supporting evidence and additional sources in their feedback.
Skill Connected Before

Skill in context: How does the skill follow from what happened before? (If it is the very first skill, make a general comment to beginnings)


Student provided no feedback on how the skill connected to content before it was used.
Beneath Expectations

Student makes no connections between the skill and what happened prior.
Approaching Expectations

Student makes few connections between what happened prior and the skill use. Student misses crucial connections.
Meets Expectations

Student makes a solid and logical link between what happened before the skill and skill use. (If the skill is at the beginning of the session, the student notes how the skill connects to beginnings in general).
Exceeds Expectations

Student demonstrates insight between what happened before the skill use and the actual skill use. Integrates social work constructs to develop points with appropriate citations. (If the skill is at the beginning of the session, the student notes how the skill connects to beginnings in general).
Skill Connected After

Skill in context: How does the skill connect to what happens after? (If it is the very last skill, make a general connection to endings)


Student provided no feedback on how the skill connected to what happened after the skill was used.
Beneath Expectations

Student makes no connections between the skill and what happened after.
Approaching Expectations

Student makes few connections between what happened after and the skill use. Student misses crucial connections.
Meets Expectations

Student makes a solid and logical link between what happened after the skill and skill use. (If the skill is at the ending of the session, the student notes how the skill connects to endings in general).
Exceeds Expectations

Student demonstrates insight between what happens after the skill use and the actual skill use. Integrates social work constructs to develop points with appropriate citations. (If the skill is at the end of the session, the student notes how the skill connects to endings in general).
Skill Connected to Whole Interview

Skill in context: How does the skill connect to the whole of the 7-minute interview?


Student provided no feedback on how the skill connected to the interview overall.
Beneath Expectations

Student makes no connections and does not support their assessment.
Approaching Expectations

Student makes few connections between the skill and the interview as a whole. Student provides no support for their assessment.
Meets Expectations

Student is able to make solid and logical connections between the skill and interview as a whole. Student supports their assessment.
Exceeds Expectations

Student is able to deconstruct the interview and create a logical link between the identified skill and the interview as a whole. The student utilizes appropriate citations to back up their assessment.
Worker NonVerbals

What worker non-verbals accompany the identified skill and how do the non- verbals impact the skill delivery?


Student provided no feedback on worker nonverbals as they related to the skill delivery.
Beneath Expectations

Student inaccurately identifies nonverbal communication and is unable to relate them to skill use.
Approaching Expectations

Student accurately identifies nonverbal communication but fails to comment on how the non-verbals impact the skill use.
Meets Expectations

Student accurately identifies worker nonverbals and comments on how these impacted the skill delivery.
Exceeds Expectations

Student accurately identifies worker nonverbals and makes thoughtful comments on how these nonverbals impacted skill delivery. Student supports their comments with appropriate citations and reflects on the nature of nonverbal communication overall.
Client Reaction

How does the client react to the skill use?


Student provided no feedback on the client's reaction to the skill.
Beneath Expectations

Student incorrectly links client reactions, both verbal and nonverbal, to the skill and fails to make connections on the significance of these reactions.
Approaching Expectations

Student links client reactions, both verbal and nonverbal, to the skill but fails to comment on their significance.
Meets Expectations

Student accurately links client reactions, both verbal and nonverbal, to the skill use. Student comments on the significance of these reactions.
Exceeds Expectations

Student is able to link client reactions, both verbal and nonverbal, to the skill and throughout the whole interview. Student comments on the significance of these reactions. Student supports their assessment with appropriate citations.
Alternate Skill

What alternative skill or alternative use of the skill might be helpful?


Student provided no feedback on an alternate skill to the one used.
Beneath Expectations

Student identifies alternate skill that is not applicable to the situation.
Approaching Expectations

Student identifies alternate skill but fails to make connections to how the skill would be helpful.
Meets Expectations

Student shows knowledge of social work skills by identifying an alternate skill. Student shows comprehension through their analysis of how the skill would be helpful.
Exceeds Expectations

Student is able to suggest an alternate skill and link their assessment to examples from the peer's video and from class readings. Student shows deep comprehension through their in-depth analysis. Student supports their assessment with appropriate citations.


Student failed to complete the assignment.
Beneath Expectations

Student writing was disorganized and unprofessional. Student did not use appropriate citations or citation method.
Approaching Expectations

Student writing is professional but unorganized. The writing contains errors and some incorrect APA citations.
Meets Expectations

Student writing is well organized and professional with clear presentation of the material. The writing contains minimal errors and uses appropriate APA citation format.
Exceeds Expectations

Student writing is well organized and professional with clear presentation of the material. The writing contains no errors and has accurate APA citation formatting.

  • Skills Feedback


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