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iRubric: Shark Tank Presentation rubric

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Shark Tank Presentation 
Rubric Code: S2472AW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Group Product--Pitch Presentation
  Advanced--20 points

20 pts

Proficient--15-19 points

15 pts

Basic--10-14 points

10 pts

Below Basic--5-9 points

5 pts

Overall Business

Advanced--20 points

An extremely creative name, function and description of product/business was presented.
Proficient--15-19 points

A creative name, function and description of the product/business was presented.
Basic--10-14 points

Name, function and description lacked creativeness.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Name, function and description were absent or silly/unappealing.

Advanced--20 points

Group is fully able to answer questions and shows passion for thier project
Proficient--15-19 points

Group is able to answer most questions and seems to care a bit for idea
Basic--10-14 points

Group is not able to answer many questions and shows little interest
Below Basic--5-9 points

Group lacks any kind of interest or energy

Advanced--20 points

The project shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original and inventive
Proficient--15-19 points

The project shows some evidence of originality and inventivenss.
Basic--10-14 points

There is little evidence of new thought or inventiveness.
Below Basic--5-9 points

There is no evidence of new thought.
Depth & Breadth of Project Content

Advanced--20 points

Clear evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Proficient--15-19 points

Some evidence that higher level thinking skills were used int he creation of this project.
Basic--10-14 points

Little evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Below Basic--5-9 points

No evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Overall Presentation

Advanced--20 points

This presentation made me jump on this business plan
Proficient--15-19 points

The presentation made me feel like I could probably support this plan
Basic--10-14 points

Presentation did not adequately sell the product
Below Basic--5-9 points

No presentation.

  • multimedia presentation


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