Is not of good quality or poorly defined. Use this if it does not meet your requirements.
0 pts
This is not easily defined or assessed.
1 pts
This is of good quality and is well defined. Good OER to use.
2 pts
Who is the creator and what kind of expertise and experience do they have?
Are you reasonably certain that it is actually the work of the person claiming to be the author? (Not plagiarism or forgery.)
What is the intended purpose? (Think educate/inform, sell something, entertain, change minds/behavior, even propaganda/hate speech)
Are there obvious signs of bias or agenda? (logical fallacies, weasel words, loaded language, inappropriate appeals to emotion, addressing only one side of an issue, conflicts of interest, etc.)
What is the "hosting" organization and what kind of reputation do they have?
Does the "hosting" organization conduct any sort of quality control? If so, what kind and how rigorous?
Are there obvious signs of poor quality control? (misspellings, broken images, poor formatting, terrible design, etc.)
What is the "hosting" organization's reputation for bias and agenda?
Are there any other "sponsors"? What is their reputation for bias and agenda?
Has it been through peer review? (Others are post-prints that have been through peer review).
How recent or up-to-date is its content? (and how important is that to you?)
How recent or up-to-date is its format or platform? (you don't want it to be too old or too new, or else some people won't be able to use it.)
Are there ratings, reviews, or comments? If so, what can you learn from them?
Does the resource address your topic from the appropriate discipline or other perspective?
How would you rate the quality of the information? (factual correctness, methodology, logic, etc.)
Is the target audience appropriate for your use? (Think age group, educational level)
What is its copyright and licensing status and how does that impact what you can do with it?
Is it accessible to people with disabilities? (Closed captions or transcripts for the Deaf, compatible with screen readers and text-to-speech for the sight-impaired.)
Is it accessible to people using older computers and slow internet connections?
If you want to remix it, is the source file available, and in a format that you can edit?