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iRubric: ePortfolio Rubric Assignment

iRubric: ePortfolio Rubric Assignment

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ePortfolio Rubric Assignment 
Not intended for use in evaluating all ePortfolios. This was created as part two of an assignment. Part one involved creating an ePortfolio based on work completed in the particular course. Part two involved creating this rubric to evaluate the specific ePortfolio. The categories and rankings were provided by the instructor. Students had to provide a detailed description of what is needed to score in each category.
Rubric Code: KX28W9X
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric ePortfolio

Goes above and beyond the requirements.

10 pts


Meets minimum requirements.

8 pts

Partially Proficient

Needs improvement.

5 pts



2 pts

Selection of Artifacts

Requirements Include All Assignments, Blog Reflections, and a Resume.


All required artifacts are present as well as additional artifacts that are directly related to the purpose of the ePortfolio.

The minimum required artifacts are present.
Partially Proficient

The minimum required artifacts are present but are incomplete.

Missing one or more of the required artifacts.
Written Communication

Found in the required artifacts.


All required artifacts are relevant, clear,
well organized and show understanding of the material. Demonstrates achievement of all course objectives. Any additional artifacts are relevant and enhance the ePortfolio.

Most required artifacts are relevant, clear, well organized and show understanding of the material. Demonstrates achievement of most course objectives. There are one or two occurrences of unclear, unorganized or difficult to interpret information.
Partially Proficient

Some required artifacts are relevant, clear and well organized. There is some demonstration of understanding of the material or achievement of course objectives. There are three or four occurrences of unclear, unorganized or difficult to interpret information.

Required artifacts are unclear, unorganized and may not be relevant. There is little to no demonstration of understanding of the material or achievement of course objectives. There are four or more occurrences of unclear, unorganized or difficult to interpret information.
Blog Reflections

Discussions of what has been learned.
Provides evidence of professional growth and/or goals for continued learning.


A post for each module and assignment is present. All posts describe what has been learned, how it can be applied personally and/or personal goals. There may be additional blogs present that enhance the ePortfolio.

A post for each week of the course is present. All modules are addressed and describe what has been learned, how it can be applied personally and/or personal goals.
Partially Proficient

A post for each week in the course is present. What has been learned in some of the modules
is discussed. There is little mention of how the material can be applied personally. There are little to no goals for continued learning.

Posts are not consistent. There is discussion of some things that have been learned. There is no discussion of personal goals or how the material can be applied personally.

A description including the importance of the artifact.


Accompanies all artifacts.

Accompanies most of the artifacts.
Partially Proficient

Accompanies some of the artifacts. The importance of the artifact is missing from some of the descriptions.

Accompanies little to no artifacts. Captions present do not describe the importance of the artifacts.
Writing Mechanics

Includes Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Capitalization.


There are no errors.

There are one to three errors which require minor revisions. Clarity and flow is not affected.
Partially Proficient

There are four or more errors which require revision. Clarity and flow may be affected.

Major revision is necessary because of the number and/or type of errors. Clarity and flow is affected.
Ease of Navigation

Includes the creation of links within documents (the ANGEL shell already provides links/tabs for ease of navigation). All links are relevant to the purpose of the ePortfolio, are easily identified and go to the intended site.
Includes use of the publishing feature.


There are five or more links created. All required artifacts are published with appropriate access granted.

There are three or four links created. Most of the required artifacts are published with appropriate access granted.
Partially Proficient

There are one or two links created or the relevance of some links are questionable. The links present do not all go to the intended site. There is only one artifact published or appropriate access is not granted for published artifacts.

There are no links created. There are no required artifacts published.
Layout and Text Elements

Includes use of Fonts, Point Size, Bullets, Italics, Bold, Text and Background Colors to enhance readability.


The ePortfolio is easy to read.

The ePortfolio is generally easy to read. One or two minor format changes would improve readability.
Partially Proficient

Formatting tools are under-utilized or overuse has diminished the readability in many areas.

No formatting tools are used or overuse is distracting and makes the ePortfolio difficult to read.
Use of Multimedia

Includes use of Photographs, Graphics, Sounds,
Videos and / or Power Point Presentations to enhance the purpose of the ePortfolio.


There are four or more examples of appropriate use. They are not distracting and do not detract from the content.

There are two or three examples of appropriate use. They are not distracting and do not detract from the content.
Partially Proficient

There is one example of appropriate use or overuse is distracting and/or detracts from the content.

No multimedia used.


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