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iRubric: Owen CampeauParticipation Rubric CORE 450

iRubric: Owen CampeauParticipation Rubric CORE 450

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Owen CampeauParticipation Rubric CORE 450 
Class participation is based on several important ideas: 1. We construct knowledge and learn from each other, and if you don't speak, others don't learn from you--and vice versa; 2. The evaluation of your performance is based on evidence, what can be demonstrated and observed-- you need to show what you know; 3. The more noticeable you make yourself by your participation, the more memorable you are to others when they are trying to recall who you are and what you stand for.
Rubric Code: J246B43
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Participation
  Poor = D

D: Set; Cannot be changed.

1 pts

Fair = C

C: Set; Cannot be changed.

2 pts

Good = B

B: Set; Cannot be changed.

3 pts

A Game

A: Create criteria for your A game

4 pts


At the end of the semester provide evidence to support your score for each category.


Class Attendance
20 %

Poor = D

Missed 3 or more classes
Fair = C

Missed 2 or more classes
Good = B

Missed 1 or more classes
A Game

missed one or less classes

Frequency of Participation
15 %

Poor = D

does not contribute or alternately dominates discussion
Fair = C

Irregularly participates, ONLY OCCASIONALLY
Good = B

initiates questions and comments, regularly participates.
A Game

participates daily

Forum/Perusall Participation
20 %

Poor = D

1-2 Annotations Posted readings, personal experiences, news items, videos, articles, observations, etc.
Fair = C

3-4- Annotations. readings, personal experiences, news items, videos, articles, observations, etc.
Good = B

5-6 annotations, posted personal experiences, news items, videos, articles, observations, etc.
A Game

7-8 annotations

Team Participation out/in class
10 %

Poor = D

Never met with group
Fair = C

Met with group occasionally and occasionally offered input to group discussion.
Good = B

Present for most group meetings and always contributed to discussion.
A Game

present for all group meetings

Outside Of Class Participation
5 %

Poor = D

Never participated in announced outside activities (films, lectures, relevant volunteer work,etc) outside of class time.
Fair = C

Occasionally participated in announced outside activities (films, lectures, relevant volunteer work,etc) outside of class time.
Good = B

Frequently participated in announced outside activities (films, lectures, relevant volunteer work,etc) outside of class time.
A Game

frequent participation in outside activities

proof of such
5 %

Poor = D

Makes only statements, "(this is what you should do and how" Does not ask questions.
Fair = C

Asks some questions but makes mostly statements, or leading questions. Already has an answer before asking a question.
Good = B

Asks open ended questions.
When statements are made they are mostly in response to a question. When beginning to make a statement, tries to re-frame the statement into a question.
A Game

provokes discussion in class on a regular basis

class time
5 %

Poor = D

Makes statement or asks questions only based on what others want to hear. Relates to others as they want and not as self.
Fair = C

Takes into consideration self (feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc,) but continues to only give feedback that conforms to the other.
Good = B

Is beginning to be self-authoring, appearing to others as one appears to oneself.
A Game

being self authoring. staying true to myself in discussion

personal growth over the semester, class discussion
5 %

Poor = D

makes spontaneous but uninformed comments, obvious that required pre-reading not completed.
Fair = C

Comments are informed but lack completeness of comprehensive preparation
Good = B

has read assigned material and relates comments to it
A Game

read material, comment on it in class, perusal participation

5 %

Poor = D

restatement of readings or comments already offered
Fair = C

Unconventional ideas but may not be well thought out or practical
Good = B

presents novel view, different perspective, original approaches
A Game

presents personal view and takes original approach

discussions in class
2 %

Poor = D

mispronunciation, poor use of words, poorly organized ideas
Fair = C

Uses jargon, common expressions rather than appropriate technical terms
Good = B

clear and organized use of language, expresses ideas fluently, visual supplements
A Game

organized use of language in writing and class discussions

assignments, perusal, class discussion
2 %

Poor = D

Speaks too softly for all to hear, addreses only the instructor, monotone, upspeak
Fair = C

Inconsistent in presentation, needs reminding,variable style, mannerisms
Good = B

eye contact, address all of class, audible volume, interest & inflection in voice
A Game

good presentation skills, clear voice, interesting questions

2 %

Poor = D

Uses cliche's, mundane vocabulary, uses terms incorrectly
Fair = C

Inconsistent in use of proper terms
Good = B

demonstrates knowledge and accurate use of terms
A Game

demonstrates knowledge and accurate use of terms

assignments and class discussion
2 %

Poor = D

defensive, demeans others' comments, talks over them, or disregards feedback
Fair = C

Is respectful and listens, but does not apply feedback
Good = B

accurately listens to and considers feedback from others
A Game

accurately listens to and considers feedback from others

class discussions and forums
2 %

Poor = D

does not mention others or further develop ideas previously discussed
Fair = C

Implies contributions of others and bases argument on previous contributions
Good = B

builds on and relates to points made by other contributors,, harmonizes, summarizes, contrasts etc. When referring to others, uses their name.
A Game

uses names, brings groups/class together during discussion

group discussions
2 %

Poor = D

argues opinion or emotion without evidence
Fair = C

Provides weak or inconsistent evidence or reasoning
Good = B

gives evidence supporting assertions, argues logically, gives examples
A Game

gives substantial evidence supporting assertions, argues logically, gives examples

assignments, class discussions, group projects
Relevance & value
2 %

Poor = D

tangential or pedantic
Fair = C

Contributes on portions or segments, but misses the big picture
Good = B

comments are pertinent to topic and add important facts and perspectives
A Game

comments are pertinent to topic and add important facts and perspectives

class time, assignments,



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