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iRubric: Digital Media: Identity and Portfolio rubric

iRubric: Digital Media: Identity and Portfolio rubric

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Digital Media: Identity and Portfolio 
Create an identity piece for yourself using Adobe Illustrator and techniques learned in class. You will be combining your logo/monogram with other pieces you created for this class to create a digital portfolio.
Rubric Code: H8CC39
Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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Create an identity piece to represent yourself and your brand to the public.
  Below Basic

0 pts


5 pts


8 pts


10 pts

2 Shapes

Student will use at least 2 shapes in the logo/monogram piece. Shapes may be combined using the pathfinder palette to create a complex shape. 1 shape must be altered using the Pen Tools/Direct Selection Tool to add, subtract or adjust anchor points.

Below Basic

No shapes are used in the project.

Only one shape is used in the project. 2 shapes are used but neither are altered using the Direct Selection tool (White Arrow)

Two shapes are used. Student uses Pathfinder Palette or Pen Tools to perform a basic reshape (altering 1 or 2 anchor points) on a default shape.

Two or more shapes are used. Student uses both the Pathfinder Palette and the Pen Tools to reshape basic shapes into more complex shapes, altering 3 or more anchor points on a default shape.

Student uses at least 1 non-default typeface in the creation of the logo or monogram. Font is correctly tracked leaded and kerned depending on the usage of the font in the logo.

Below Basic

No type or a default font face (Ariel, Times New Roman, COMIC SANS) are used in the logo.

Student chooses a non- default font, however does not properly track, lead or kern font in the monogram or logo.

Student chooses a non-default font and properly tracks, leads and kerns the font.

Student combines multiple non-default type faces or members of a font family to create an typographically exceptional logo. Font is properly tracked, kerned and leaded.

Student creates own font or letterforms for use in this project.
Color, Gradients, Mesh

Student will use some form of color, gradient, blend or gradient mesh in project.

Below Basic

No color, gradient, blend or gradient mesh is included in the logo.

A pre-made gradient or color swatch is applied to the logo. Student creates a blend between 2 default colors from the swatches palette.

Student applies a student created 3 stop gradient and saves the gradient to the Gradient palette. Student creates mixed swatch and adds it to the Swatches palette. Student creates a pattern fill and saves it to the Swatches palette.

Student creates a color palette in Adobe Kuler, saves the swatches as an Adobe Swatches for Exchange file, and adds uses swatches in logo.

Student creates a 4 or more stop gradient in Illustrator and saves gradient to the Gradient palette

Student creates a blend of two created solid colors or 2 colors from Kuler palette.
Pen Tool

Student uses the pen tool in the creation of the logo/monogram

Below Basic

No use of the pen tool in logo/monogram.

Basic Pen tool skills are used in creation of logo. Student uses pen tool to create a straight line to cut text, creates a square or simple shape with the pen tool with less than 10 points and no smooth anchor points.

Student creates complex pen path (smooth curves, multiple anchor points, changes in direction using the alt/drag combination) for use in the logo. Student traces a basic shape for use in the logo/monogram.

Student creates one or more complex pen paths with the pen tool. Student edits anchor points, uses the alt/drag combination, etc. Student creates a free form drawing or creates a complex shape for use in the logo/monogram.
How well do all of the elements (type, color, shapes) work together to make the logo/ monogram recognizable and memorable, aesthetically pleasing, and bold.
  Below Basic

10 pts


20 pts


30 pts


40 pts


Elements of the logo/monogram work as a complete whole. Logo or monogram. Elements are well-thought out and mesh together for a complete whole.

Student has completed the sketching assignment for this project.

Below Basic

Elements do not work well together, logo/monogram is poorly thought out, poorly crafted, and/or does not look professional. Student did not complete sketching assignment.

Some elements of the logo work well together. Logo has been planned or executed in a basic manner. Sketching assignment was completed with a minimum of effort/thought.

Elements of the logo work well together. Logo/monogram has been planned and executed in a proficient manner. Sketching assignment was completed with deeper thought and effort. Logo/Monogram is aesthetically pleasing.

Elements of the logo are outstanding, work very well together and create a comprehensive, unified whole. Sketching assignment was completed with great thought and execution planning. Logo is aesthetically pleasing, humorous, whimsical, or creates a bold statement about the artist.
Portfolio and Presentation
  Below Basic

0 pts


25 pts


35 pts


50 pts


Student develops a portfolio work to present to the class. Portfolio must include, at a minimum,
the Ansel Adams project, the Gordon Parks project, Portrait, Self Portrait, Dali and O'Keefe projects. Other works and projects outside the class may be included.
Student must include a brief artist statement for each piece either on each slide or as an introductory piece to the overall presentation. Student may use a slide or other presentation method of their choice for presentation.

Below Basic

Student does not complete the portfolio portion of the project

Student creates a basic portfolio and presentation using default presentation templates found in slide show program.

Student creates a portfolio and presentation that represents them as an artist. Presentation is interesting to watch and has a compelling message telling the audience about the pieces and how those pieces were created.

Student creates a complex presentation which tells the story of the artist and the art. Student uses advanced methods to present their artwork (video, Photoshop animation, animoto, etc) Presentation enthralls the audience and they are sorry to see the presentation end.
Work Ethic and Crit
  Below Basic

0 pts


5 pts


10 pts


15 pts

Work Ethic

How well was in class time used.

Below Basic

Student rarely used class time to work on project. Student was continuously redirected to return to work on project. Student rarely brought materials they needed to class to complete project.

Student occasionally used class time to work on project. Student had to be prompted to return to work on project. Student was disorganized, did not bring files or flash drive on numerous days to complete project.

Student was organized, brought files to class and worked steadily and consistently on project. Student did not need prompting to remain on task.

Student was well organized and well prepared to work on project every class period. Student used class time to enhance their project and kept improving the project up until the deadline. Student was on task without prompting

How did the student participate in the final presentation critique.

Below Basic

Student did not participate in the crit.

Student made a few comments. Comments were inappropriate or off topic, and did not add to the general discussion.

Student made numerous comments which were appropriate and on topic. Student used appropriate language when discussing the presentations.

Student offered numerous comments and comments had value to the presenter. Comments were appropriate and on topic. Student offered constructive criticism in an appropriate manner in an effort to help the artist improve.


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