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iRubric: Trending Assignment rubric

iRubric: Trending Assignment rubric

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Trending Assignment 
Choose a department, unit, or clinic and trend budgetary income compared to expenditures. Write an 8-10 page APA paper concluding with a recommendation for quality improvement change.
Rubric Code: EX83968
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Public Rubric
Subject: Nursing  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Trending Assignment
  Exceeds Expectations

250 pts

Meets Expectations

200 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

175 pts

Outcome 1
10 %

Identify characteristics and importance of a financially viable healthcare organization within the current healthcare environment

Exceeds Expectations

Student identifies obvious and subtle characteristics, fully elaborating on the implications to healthcare.
Meets Expectations

Student identifies obvious characteristics and is able to explain the characteristics completely and/or accurately.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student identifies few of the obvious characteristics and/or does not explain the characteristics completely or accurately.
Outcome 2
15 %

Explore interconnectedness between reimbursement structures, access to care, cost of care, and quality of care

Exceeds Expectations

Student recognizes overt and hidden financial relationships in a healthcare environment. Student is able to detect implications of individual financial structures on the healthcare environment.
Meets Expectations

Student recognizes basic financial relationships in a healthcare environment. Student is able to detect few implications of individual financial structures on the healthcare environment.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student recognizes some basic financial relationships in a healthcare environment.
Student is unable to detect implications of individual financial structures on the healthcare environment.
Outcome 4
10 %

Incorporate evidence-based strategies to manage department/clinic.

Exceeds Expectations

Student cites evidence-based strategies from course and outside material which are appropriate to staffing.
Student explains how strategies could be incorporated, noting obvious and subtle cause-effect implications to staffing.
Meets Expectations

Student cites evidence-based strategies from course material which are appropriate to staffing.
Student explains how strategies could be incorporated, noting only obvious cause-effect implications to staffing.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student lacks citation of evidence-based strategies related to staffing.
Student is unable to explain how strategies could be incorporated.
Outcome 5
15 %

Employ budgeting principles to evaluate, and revise a department/clinic budget.

Exceeds Expectations

Student utilizes basics of budgeting principles to evaluate a department/clinic budget which considers intricacies of a complex unit.
Meets Expectations

Student utilizes basics of budgeting principles to evaluate a department/clinic budget, accounting for some but not all intricacies of a complex department/clinic budget.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student utilizes some basic budgeting principles to evaluate a department/clinic budget.
Outcome 6
12 %

Utilize financial information and interdisciplinary collaboration to make decisions, advocate for resources, and achieve organizational goals.

Exceeds Expectations

Student capitalizes on stakeholder relationships to maximize resources resulting in department/clinic efficiency and goal achievement.
Meets Expectations

Student recognizes the importance of stakeholder relationships but lacks utilization of such relationships to maximize resources or achieve goals.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Students separately identifies stakeholders, resources, and/or necessary actions in attempt to create efficiencies or achieve organizational goals.
Outcome 7
12 %

Evaluate the legal, ethical, safety, and quality implications of financial decisions.

Exceeds Expectations

Student is able to clearly explain and demonstrate the complex relationships between financial management, legal implications, safety requirements, and quality control.
Meets Expectations

Student is able to clearly explain and demonstrate basic relationships between financial management, legal implications, safety requirements, and quality control.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student is unable to explain and/or demonstrate basic relationships between financial management, legal implications, safety requirements, and quality control.
15 %

Compare income and expenditures by applying correct budget principles.

Exceeds Expectations

Student applies correct formula and mathematical calculations 80% or more of the assignment.
Meets Expectations

Student applies correct formula and mathematical calculations 50% or more of the assignment.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student applies correct formula and mathematical calculations 20% or more of the assignment.
Professional Writing
5 %

Construct professionally sound writings which include appropriate grammar and structure.

Exceeds Expectations

Student writing is professionally appropriate including grammar and structure 80% or more of the assignment.
Meets Expectations

Student writing is professionally appropriate including grammar and structure 50% or more of the assignment.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student writing is professionally appropriate including grammar and structure 20% or more of the assignment.
APA Format
6 %

Utilizes APA format, including title page and references. Follows page expectations of 8-10 pages.

Exceeds Expectations

Student uses 8 to 10 references throughout the paper, no APA errors. Follows page expectations of 8-10 pages.
Meets Expectations

Student uses 8 to 10 references throughout the paper, minimal APA errors. Does not follow page expectations.
Does Not Meet Expectations

Student uses 8 to 10 references throughout the paper, multiple APA errors. More than recommended 8-10 pages.


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