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iRubric: Photos Template rubric

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Photos Template 
Template: A Performance ( Demonstrating Knowledge ) Rubric to assess a High School Student's, Photography Assignment Photos. Rubric should be modified for Specific Assignments
Rubric Code: DX6A63A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Photos Template
95 - 100 Distinguished
90 - 94 Skilled
80 - 89 Proficient
70 - 79 Developing
65 - 69 Inadequate
Below 65 Missing / Resubmit
  Missing/Below Expectations

Below 65

0 pts



1 pts


70 - 79

2 pts


80 - 89

3 pts


90 - 94

4 pts


95 - 100

5 pts


- Folder Created w/ Appropriate Name
- ALL Image Files (.jpg)
Edits SubFolder Contains:
- BestAColor.psd
- BestABw.psd
- BestBColor.psd
- BestBBw.psd

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Folder is MISSING; MISSING Edits Subfolder; Files NOT ReNamed, And/Or FOUR or MORE of the Required Files are MISSING.

MISSING Edits Subfolder; Files NOT ReNamed, And/Or TWO or MORE of the Required Files are MISSING.

Missing ONE of the Required Files And/Or Edits SubFolder.

Folder exists, and has an appropriate name for project. The Required SubFolder "Edits" Exists AND ALL Files are Named AND Saved correctly inside the project folder.

In Addition: Contents of folder are meticulously Organized. Folder contains SubFolders. All file names are Descriptive and clearly identifiable. All files are named using a logical convention so they appear in sequential order.

- Exactly 20 images
- Created by Student
- Origination Date
- Format
- Original Images
+ NO Digital Manipulation
+ NO Cropping

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

ALL submitted Images have an Acceptable Origination Date. Missing 3 or More Student Created Images. Only a Single Orientation has been Utilized. Student has Cropped and/Or Digitally Manipulated Multiple Photos.

ALL submitted Images have an Acceptable Origination Date. Missing 2of20 Student Created Images. Only a Single Orientation has been Utilized. Student has Cropped and/Or Digitally Manipulated ONE or More Photos.

ALL submitted Images have an Acceptable Origination Date. Missing 1of20 Student Created Images. Only a Single Orientation has been Utilized. There has been NO Digital Manipulation applied.

Intentionally BLANK

Exactly 20 Student Created Images with an Acceptable Origination Date have been Submitted. Both Portrait & Landscape Orientations have been Utilized and there has been NO Digital Manipulation applied.
MacPhotos App

- Single Album / Correct Name
- Exactly 20 Imported Images
- Correct Orientation
- Descriptive Meaningful Titles
- Keywords / Facial Recognition

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

MacPhotos Album is Named Incorrectly And/Or Contains More OR Less than 20 Photos. THREE or More Images are Missing Descriptive Titles AND/Or are Oriented Incorrectly

Student has Correctly Imported Exactly 20 images into an Appropriately Named MacPhotos Album. AT Least ONE Image is Missing a Descriptive Meaningful Title, And/Or ONE or More Images are NOT Correctly Oriented.

Student has Correctly Imported Exactly 20 images into an Appropriately Named MacPhotos Album. ALL Images have Descriptive Meaningful Titles. ONE or More Images are NOT Correctly Oriented.

Student has Correctly Imported Exactly 20 images into an Appropriately Named MacPhotos Album. ALL Images have the Correct Orientation and Descriptive Meaningful Titles.

In Addition, Student added Multiple Key words to EACH Photo AND Applied the Facial Recognition Feature built into MacPhotos.
Technical Quality

- Focus / Exposure
- Image Quality / FileSize
- Resolution / Dpi (300)

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

FOUR or More Photographs are Blurry, Over or Under Exposed, Have Low Image Quality And/Or Less Than 300dpi Resolution.

THREE Photographs are Blurry, Over or Under Exposed, Have Low Image Quality And/Or Less Than 300dpi Resolution.

TWO Photographs are Blurry, Over or Under Exposed, Have Low Image Quality And/Or Less Than 300dpi Resolution.

ALL Digital Images are Accurately Focused & Exposed. Less than 5 Technical settings for ALL photos are Incorrect.

ALL Digital Images are Accurately Focused & Exposed, High Quality, High Resolution photographs, Creating the Visual Results Intended by the Photographer AND Required by the Assignment.
AssignmentSpecific: SelfPortraits

- Appropriate & Acceptable
- ALL Self Captured
- Individual Clearly Identifiable
- Definite Personality and/or Character Communication

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Photographer is Missing in Most of the images. Some Photos appear to be taken by another person. It is difficult to determine ANY Personality Traits, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Photographer is Unidentifiable in More than Half of the images. Some Photos appear to be taken by another person. More than Half of the Photos Lack Visual Evidence of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Photographer is Unidentifiable in several images. Some Photos appear to be taken by another person. Some Photos Lack Visual Evidence of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Photographer is Clearly Identifiable & Visual Evidence exists that Supports a Self Captured Image. ALL Photos Undeniably attempt to Communicate some aspect of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

In Addition, Photographer attempted to communicate Emotion, Multiple Aspects of Self as well as Multiple Likes or Dislikes.
AssignmentSpecific: Portraits

- Appropriate & Acceptable
- Individual Clearly Identifiable
- Definite Personality and/or Character Communication
- Blurred BackGround

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Subject is Missing in Most of the images and/or is NOT a Person. Most and/or All photos lack a Blurred Background. It is difficult to determine ANY Personality Traits, Character, Disposition or a Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Subject is Unidentifiable in More than Half of the images. Most Photos lack a Blurred Background and/or were NOT created with a Large Aperture. More than Half of the Photos Lack Visual Evidence of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Subject is Unidentifiable in several images. Some Photos lack a Blurred Background. Some Photos Lack Visual Evidence of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Self Defined Role.

ALL Photos are Appropriate & Acceptable for Submission. The Subject is Clearly Identifiable & the Blurry Background is Obvious & Created with a Large Aperture ( NO PhotoShop or Filters ). ALL Photos Undeniably attempt to Communicate some aspect of Personality, Character, Disposition or a Role.

In Addition, Photographer Utilized Multiple Locations as well as attempted to communicate Emotion, Multiple Aspects of the Individual as well as Multiple Likes or Dislikes.
AssignmentSpecific: ActiveParticipa

- Identifiable subject
- Accurate & Positive Visual Activity Info
- Engaged Subject

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Subjects are Missing from most photos and/or are merely posed/stationary with no visual indication of activity.

Five or more photos do not have an identifiable subject, and/or Subjects are merely 'posed' with a prop and may or may NOT be actively engaged.

Subject is UnIdentifiable in 2 or more Photographs. Subject may be Actively engaged, but there is InSufficient visual information for a Positive Description of the activity.

ALL Photos submitted have an Identifiable subject who is Obviously Engaged in an Activity which can be Accurately & Positively Described by anyone who views the image.

In Addition, Photographer Utilized Multiple Subjects, Locations and Activities, Clearly demonstrating their Ability to Accurately Communicate via visual information within a photograph.
AssignmentSpecific: Night

- Outdoors
- No Flash
- Subject is or has Lights
- Exposure

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

MORE than Half of the submitted photos do NOT follow the Guidelines for this assignment and/or are Poorly Exposed (UnRecognizable) and are Improperly Focused.

TWO of the submitted photographs do NOT follow the guidelines for this assignment. There are More Than 4 photographs which are "Camera Motion Blurry" Multiple photos have poor Exposure settings.

At Least 1 of the submitted photographs does NOT follow the guidelines for this assignment. Two of the Images are poorly exposed. There are 4 photographs which are "Camera Motion Blurry"

ALL Photos submitted have been taken Outdoors, @ Night of Lighted Subjects, without the use of a Flash. ALL exposures allow a meaningful viewing of the image. Two or fewer are "Camera Motion Blurry"

In Addition, Photographer has traveled to Multiple Locations And/Or has attempted to Capture Various Styles of Night Lighted Images. (ie. Cityscape, Car/Traffic Images, NightSky, Christmas Lights, LightWriting, etc...)
AssignmentSpecific: StillLife

- Indoors
- No Flash
- Multiple Items
- Use of Artificial Light Source
- Exposure

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

MORE than Half of the submitted photos do NOT follow the Guidelines for this assignment and/or are Poorly Exposed (UnRecognizable) and are Improperly Focused. No Artificial Lighting OR Flash was Used. Subject(s) are NOT Still Life Arrangements.

TWO of the submitted photographs do NOT follow the guidelines for this assignment. There are 4 or More photographs which are "Camera Motion Blurry" Multiple photos have poor Exposure settings.

At Least 1 of the submitted photographs does NOT follow the guidelines for this assignment. Two of the Images are poorly exposed. There are 3 photographs which are "Camera Motion Blurry"

ALL Photos submitted have been taken Indoors, without the use of a Flash. ALL arrangements contain Multiple items and are Intentionally illuminated by an unseen Light source. Final arrangements are Visually Interesting, and the Lighting contributes Significantly to the Photographic Composition. Exposures allow a meaningful viewing of the image. Two or fewer are "Camera Motion Blurry"

In Addition, Photographer has utilized Multiple Subjects/Arrangements; Locations; Light Sources; Light Directions; Light Intensities; and/or Colors in attempts to Create Various Shadows, Textures & Moods.
AssignmentSpecific: Silhouettes

- Back Lighting
- Subject Dark w/ No or Minimal Interior Details
- Recognizable Shape
- Artificial Light Source NOT visible

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

FOUR or More of the submitted photos are merely Point & Shoot of Subjects that are NOT Backlit & or do NOT form a Darkened Silhouette.

ALL Photos submitted are an Obvious attempt to create a Silhouette. Several photos have subjects with Visible Interior Detail. Some of shapes/subjects are NOT easily Recognizable. Artificial light source IS Visible in some of the photos.

ALL Photos submitted are Obvious Backlit Silhouettes, with NO or Minimal, Visible Interior Detail. Some of shapes/subjects are NOT easily Recognizable. If utilized, Artificial light sources are NOT Visible.

ALL Photos submitted are Obvious Backlit Silhouettes of Recognizable shapes/subjects, with NO or Minimal, Visible Interior Detail. If utilized, Artificial light sources are NOT Visible.

In Addition, Photographer has utilized Multiple Subjects/Arrangements; Locations; Light Sources & Light Intensities; to Create Various types of Silhouettes.
AssignmentSpecific: Emotions

- ALL People
- NO Direct/Straight POV's
- Obvious / Recognizable Emotion
- Context/Setting supports emotion displayed?
- Lighting & Colors support emotion displayed?

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

ALL of the Photos are NOT of people. Most photos do NOT display Obvious Recognizable Emotion & Multiple Photos Do NOT utilize a Unique POV.

ALL of the Photos submitted are of people. Not all photos display Obvious Emotion. Multiple Photos Do NOT utilize a Unique POV. Some photos are in a supportive locations. Lighting & Colors enhance the emotion displayed.

ALL of the Photos submitted are of people. Not all photos display Obvious Emotion. ALL utilize a Unique POV. Some photos are in a supportive locations. Lighting & Colors enhance the emotion displayed.

ALL of the Photos submitted are of people displaying Obvious Identifiable Emotion. ALL photos are in a supportive location & utilize a Unique POV. Lighting & Colors enhance the emotion displayed.

In Addition, Photographer has utilized Multiple Subjects; Points of View & Locations, AND has attempted to Capture Multiple Human Emotions.
AssignmentSpecific: StopAction

- Acceptable " Motion "
- Fast SS ( MetaData )
- Focused ( Minus Motion Blur )
- Correct Exposure

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

More than half of the submitted photos DO NOT Qualify as Stop Action, Motion may be inferred but is NOT Obvious and/or faster than walking speed. MetaData confirms several SS are 60 or less. Most photos are too Unfocused to be Acceptable.

TWO or More of the submitted photos DO NOT Qualify as Stop Action, Motion may be inferred but is NOT Obvious and/or faster than walking speed. MetaData confirms several SS are Less Than 250. More than THREE photos are Blurry and/or Underexposed.

ALL of the submitted Photos capture subjects which were Obviously Moving Faster than Walking speeds or were Captured "Mid-Air". MetaData confirms several SS are Less Than 250. THREE photos are Blurry and/or Underexposed.

ALL of the submitted Photos capture subjects which were Obviously Moving Faster than Walking speeds or were Captured "Mid-Air". MetaData confirms SS ( 250+ ) ALL Non-Panned subjects are focused with NO Motion Blur ( Insufficient SS ).

In Addition, Photographer has utilized Multiple Subjects; Activities; Points of View & Locations, AND/OR has combined StopAction Photography with Another previously covered Genre ( SA+Silhouette; SA+Night, etc... )
AssignmentSpecific: Nature CloseUp

- Nature Subjects
- Outdoors / CloseUps
- Max of 3 Images per Subject

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

Photos are Point & Shoot images taken outside which include Multiple subjects. There is only ONE or TWO Subjects utilized for ALL of the Images.

TWO or More photos have been taken Indoors. Several Photos can NOT be Considered CloseUps. There are MORE than 3 Photos of multiple Subjects.

All Photos consist of CloseUps of Nature Subjects taken OutDoors. There is ONE photo which is NOT OutDoors and/or there are MORE than 3 Photos of a given Subject.

All Photos consist of CloseUps of Nature Subjects taken OutDoors. There are No More than THREE photos of the same Subject.

In Addition, there are More than 6 Subjects, AND Multiple Points of View have been utilized for Each Photograph.
AssignmentSpecific: Nature CloseUp

- ASA 200 or Lower
- Macro
- Aperture / Blurred BkGround

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

There is NO Digital Evidence ( EXIF MetaData ) of Settings utilized to produce the required images.

Technical settings are incorrect for more than Half of the Required Photos.

There are THREE Photos which do NOT utilize the correct Camera settings

The Correct ASA, Aperture AND Macro Settings have been Utilized for ALL CloseUp Images, Resulting in a Sharp CloseUp Image with a Blurred Background.

In Addition, Student provided Evidence that Macro Lenses and/or Filters were utilized to complete the Assignment.

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit





Creativity / Effort

- Various/Inventive Points of View
- Multiple Time Periods ( Sessions )
- Differing Supportive Locations
- Use of Multiple Supportive Props
- Use of Lighting / Color
- Obvious Engagement / Exploration of Assignment

Missing/Below Expectations

Missing or Below Expectations. Must Follow Instructions, Fulfill Requirements & ReSubmit

More than Half of the Images are typical "Point & Shoot", all taken at the same time/location without the use of props. ALL Photos appear as if they could have been taken within minutes/seconds.

Photographer Utilized a Single Point of View, capturing images during a Single Session with a single Subject. NO Supportive Locations were Utilized. Little Evidence that attempts were made to Engage and/or Explore the Purpose of Assignment.

Photos Attempt to Convey a Message in a typical way from a Two Points of View.
Photographer captured images during Two Sessions Utilizing a single Subject. NO Supportive Locations were Utilized. Only Minor variations between photos exist.

Photos Clearly Attempt to Convey a Message in a Unique way from Various/Inventive Points of View.
Photographer captured images @ Various Times And Utilized Supportive Props And/Or Locations to support Visual Communication. Multiple subjects within Assignment Guidelines have been utilized.

In Addition, the Photographer Attempted to Creatively Apply Composition Guidelines & Manipulate Lighting & Color to support the "Mood" of several Photos. Obvious Multiple Attempts were made to Engage and/or Explore the Purpose of Assignment.

  • Photography Assignment Photos Assessment


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