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iRubric: Performance Rubric Saratoga Springs HS Orchestra

iRubric: Performance Rubric Saratoga Springs HS Orchestra

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Performance Rubric Saratoga Springs HS Orchestra 
Music performance rubric
Rubric Code: C2W39A9
Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Music Performance Rubric
  Needs Improvement

1 pts

Meets Minimal Expectation

2 pts

Fully Meets Expectation

3 pts

Exceeds Expectation

4 pts

Not Observed


1 Tone
1.1 Tone/Quality

Needs Improvement

Demonstrates a basic and inconsistent tone throughout the performance. Tone quality is not defined enough to be considered appropriate for the style of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Demonstrates a good but basic tone.
Tone is appropriate for the style of music. Tone quality is appropriate for the style of music over 80% of the time.
Fully Meets Expectation

Demonstrates characteristic tone most of the time. Tone quality is appropriate for the style of music performed over 90% of the time.
Exceeds Expectation

Always demonstrates characteristic tone,
Tone quality is appropriate for the style of music performed.
Not Observed
1.2 Tone/Control Focus

Needs Improvement

Good tone quality is evident less than 90% of the time. Tone is vastly limited by endurance.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Good tone quality is consistent 90% of the time. Limits are due to range or additional dynamic contrast required for the level of solo. Tone is somewhat limited by endurance.
Fully Meets Expectation

Characteristic tone quality is consistent 95% of the time. Limits are due to extended range or additional dynamic contrast required for the level of solo. Tone is slightly limited by endurance.
Exceeds Expectation

Characteristic tone quality is consistent throughout the full range and dynamic contrast required for the level of solo. Tone is not limited by endurance.
Not Observed
1.3 Vibrato

Needs Improvement

Has not learned vibrato yet. (NA) Is not playing with correct vibrato technique. Does not show any signs of vibrato use.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Can play vibrato but is not yet fully developed. Does not always know when to use vibrato.
Fully Meets Expectation

Can play with vibrato but is inconsistent with knowing the appropriate application to the style of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Characteristic use of vibrato that is appropriate to the style of music.
Not Observed
1.4 Tone Projection

Needs Improvement

Projection is inconsistent most of the time or nonexistent throughout solo.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Sound is only full and resonate at one dynamic level. mf
Fully Meets Expectation

Sound is full and resonate but limited to moderate dynamic levels between P-f
Exceeds Expectation

Sound is full and resonate at all dynamic levels required.
Not Observed
2 Intonation
2.2 Tuning (accompanied)

Needs Improvement

Student requires assistance with tuning at the beginning of the performance. Student cannot successfully play in tune to the piano and struggles to play in tune during most of the performance.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Can self-tune with some assistance at the beginning of rehearsal. Some struggle to plays in tune with the accompaniment in the comfortable range of the solo but not enough to distract from overall performance.
Fully Meets Expectation

Can self-tune at the beginning of rehearsal. Plays in tune with accompaniment in comfortable range of solo.
Exceeds Expectation

Can self-tune at the beginning of rehearsal and adjusts intonation issues with accompaniment throughout full dynamic contrast and range of the solo.
Not Observed
2.1 Tonality

Needs Improvement

Student is not matching pitch correctly and is not showing evidence that they can bend or adjust notes.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Plays basically in tune when the instructor tunes them. Cannot yet bend notes and does not adjust pitches. Learning to tune perfect intervals.
Fully Meets Expectation

Adjusts intonation appropriately throughout a limited range on the instrument. Beginning to bend notes. Can tune perfect intervals, and Major and minor 3rds and 6ths.
Exceeds Expectation

Adjusts intonation appropriately throughout the full range in the instrument. Knows how to bend pitch and can adjust as needed. Understands how to tune all intervals including tritones, 2nds and 7ths.
Not Observed
3 Technique
3.1 Posture

Needs Improvement

Does not demonstrate good posture less than 80% of the time.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Demonstrates correct performing posture while sitting or standing 80% of the time or more.
Fully Meets Expectation

Demonstrates correct performing posture while sitting or standing 90% of the time or more.
Exceeds Expectation

Always demonstrates correct performing posture while sitting or standing. Spine is straight, shoulders are relaxed and down, weight is balanced, and feet are aligned with hips.
Not Observed
3.2 Facility, Flexibility

Needs Improvement

Less than 80% fluency. Limited ability to range and dynamic levels due strain with the physical approach.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Demonstrates some tension throughout the performance the full range and dynamic abilities required. Technique is even, steady, consistent in tone, and at the appropriate speed for the level of music. 80% consistent or better.
Fully Meets Expectation

Usually demonstrates a relaxed and comfortable approach to performance throughout the full range and dynamic abilities required. Technique is even, steady, consistent in tone, and at the appropriate speed for the level of music. 90% consistent or better.
Exceeds Expectation

Demonstrates a relaxed and comfortable approach to performance throughout the full range and dynamic abilities required. Technique is even, steady, consistent in tone, and at the appropriate speed for the level of music.
Not Observed
3.3 Hand Position (LH,Orch)

Needs Improvement

Demonstrates correct hand position less than 80% of the time. Fingers are curved, wrists are straight, point of contact is on the pad of the fingers.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Demonstrates correct hand position 80% of the time. Fingers are curved, wrists are straight, point of contact is on the pad of the fingers.
Fully Meets Expectation

Demonstrates correct hand position 90% of the time or better. Fingers are curved, wrists are straight, point of contact is on the pad of the fingers.
Exceeds Expectation

Demonstrates correct hand position consistently. Fingers are curved, wrists are straight, point of contact is on the pad of the fingers.
Not Observed
3.4 RH Position (Orch, Bow)

Needs Improvement

Bow hold is correct, fingers are curved, no visible tension in hands, arm and shoulders. Thumb is positioned and curved
correctly opposite on the bow fingers. Less than 90% of the time.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Bow hold is correct, fingers are curved, no visible tension in hands, arm and shoulders. Thumb is positioned and curved
correctly opposite on the bow fingers. 90% of the time.
Fully Meets Expectation

Bow hold is correct, fingers are curved, no visible tension in hands, arm and shoulders. Thumb is positioned and curved
correctly opposite on the bow fingers.
Exceeds Expectation

Bow hold is correct, fingers are curved, no visible tension in hands, arm and shoulders. Thumb is positioned and curved
correctly opposite on the bow fingers
Not Observed
3.5 Diction (Voice)

Needs Improvement

Syllables are clearly performed and projected. Syllables are pronounced using correct vocal technique. Correct pronunciation for language is used and for the style of music. Less than 85% of the time.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Syllables are clearly performed and projected. Syllables are pronounced using correct vocal technique. Correct pronunciation for language is used and for the style of music. 85-95% of the time.
Fully Meets Expectation

Syllables are clearly performed and projected. Syllables are pronounced using correct vocal technique. Correct pronunciation for language is used and for the style of music. 95% or more
Exceeds Expectation

Syllables are clearly performed and projected. Syllables are pronounced using correct vocal technique. Correct pronunciation for language is used and for the style of music.
Not Observed
3.6 Breath Control

Needs Improvement

Demonstrates little or no use of proper breathing technique. Steady use of air. Breathes at the correct time as is physically required. Less than 85% of the time.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Demonstrates proper breathing technique Steady use of air. Breathes at the correct time as is physically required. More than 85-95% of the time.
Fully Meets Expectation

Demonstrates proper breathing technique Steady use of air. Breathes at the correct time as is physically required. More than 95% of the time.
Exceeds Expectation

Consistently demonstrates proper breathing technique. Deep relaxed breath. Steady use of air. Breathes at the correct time as is physically required. 100%
Not Observed
3.7 Embouchure

Needs Improvement

Set up and embouchure technique allows student fluency and enables range and tone consistent with the level of music. 80% of the time or less.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Set up and embouchure technique allows student fluency and enables range and tone consistent with the level of music. 80-90% of the time or more.
Fully Meets Expectation

Set up and embouchure technique allows student fluency and enables range and tone consistent with the level of music. 90% of the time or more.
Exceeds Expectation

Set up and embouchure technique consistently allows student fluency and enables range and tone consistent with the level of music.
Not Observed
3.8 Tonguing

Needs Improvement

Student struggles to single and multiple tongue correctly. With 79 % or less accuracy, articulations are performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct for the level of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Student can single tongue correctly and but struggles with multiple tonguing. With 80-89% accuracy, articulations are performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct for the level of music.
Fully Meets Expectation

Student can single and multiple tongue correctly. With 90-96% accuracy, articulations are performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct for the level of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Student can single and multiple tongue correctly. With 97-100% accuracy, articulations are all performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct for the level of music.
Not Observed
4 Interpretation
4.1 Dynamics

Needs Improvement

Displays with less than 90% or less accuracy, evidence of attention to dynamics, crescendos, and diminuendos. Overall volume levels are not appropriate for the style of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Displays with 90% accuracy, evidence of attention to dynamics, crescendos, and diminuendos. Overall volume levels are appropriate for the style of music 90 of the time.
Fully Meets Expectation

Displays with 95% (or higher) accuracy, evidence of attention to all dynamics. Crescendo and diminuendos are performed evenly with the same accuracy. Overall volume levels are appropriate for the style of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Displays consistent evidence of attention to all dynamics. Crescendo and diminuendos are performed evenly. Overall volume levels are appropriate for the style of music.
Not Observed
4.2 Phrasing

Needs Improvement

With less than 90% accuracy, student observes musical phrasings and breathes in correct locations. Phrases are played with a dynamic shape consistent to the style of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

With 90% accuracy or higher, student observes musical phrasings and breathes in correct locations. Phrases are played with a dynamic shape consistent to the style of music.
Fully Meets Expectation

With 95% accuracy or higher, student observes musical phrasings and breathes in correct locations. Phrases are played with a dynamic shape consistent to the style of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Observes all musical phrasings and breathes in correct locations. Phrases are played with a dynamic shape consistent to the style of music.
Not Observed
4.3 Style,Artistry,Expression

Needs Improvement

With less than 90% accuracy, tempo, articulation, accents, and phrasing are performed and appropriate for the style of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

With 90% accuracy, Tempo, articulation, accents, and phrasing are performed and appropriate for the style of music.
Fully Meets Expectation

With 95% accuracy, Tempo, articulation, accents, and phrasing are performed and appropriate for the style of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Tempo, articulation, accents, and phrasing are all consistently performed and appropriate for the style of music.
Not Observed
5 Accuracy
5.1 Articulation

Needs Improvement

With less than 85% accuracy or better, articulations are all performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is less than 10pts below recommended metronome marking.
Meets Minimal Expectation

With 85% accuracy or better, articulations are all performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct and within 10 pts of the recommended tempo on the metronome.
Fully Meets Expectation

With 95% accuracy or better, articulations are all performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct and within 5 pts of the recommended tempo on the metronome.
Exceeds Expectation

With 100% accuracy, articulations are all performed with the correct length and emphasis. Speed of articulation is correct for the level of music.
Not Observed
5.2 Correct Notes

Needs Improvement

Performed correct notes less than 95% of the time. Tempo is not at an acceptable speed to be considered complete. Greater than 10 pts under metronome marking.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Performed correct notes 95% of the time at a slightly slower tempo. Within 10pts of metronome marking.
Fully Meets Expectation

Performed all correct notes at a slightly slower tempo that recommended. Within 5 points on metronome. Performed with fluency and ease including correct alt fingerings.
Exceeds Expectation

Performed all correct notes at the correct tempo
Performed with fluency and ease including correct alt fingerings.
Not Observed
5.3 Correct Rhythms

Needs Improvement

Performed rhythms less than 90% correct at the recommended tempo, or could not play rhythms at the recommended tempo.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Performed rhythms 90% correct or higher at the recommended tempo.
Fully Meets Expectation

Performed rhythms 95% correct or higher at the recommended tempo.
Exceeds Expectation

Performed rhythms all correct at the recommended tempo.
Not Observed
5.4 Steady Tempo, Pulse

Needs Improvement

Tempo is greater than 20 points under the tempo marking.
Tempo is less than 90% steady and fluent
Meets Minimal Expectation

Tempo is within 20 points from tempo marking
Tempo is 90% steady and fluent.
Fully Meets Expectation

Tempo is within 10 points from tempo marking.
Performed steadily and fluently.
Exceeds Expectation

Tempo is correct as indicated in music. Performed steadily and fluently.
Not Observed
6 Scales
6.1 Major Scales

Needs Improvement

All Scales were not performed correct or with proper fingerings, or steady, and less than 20pts from the correct tempo. Could not perform consistently three or more times.
Meets Minimal Expectation

All Scales were performed correctly with proper fingerings, steady, within 20pts from the tempo marking. Performed consistently three or more times.
Fully Meets Expectation

All Scales were performed correctly with proper fingerings, steady, within 10pts from the tempo marking. Performed consistently three or more times.
Exceeds Expectation

All Scales were performed correctly with proper fingerings, steady, and at the correct tempo. Performed consistently three or more times.
Not Observed
7 Improvisation (Jazz)

Needs Improvement

Solo patterns do not conform to key signature or chord progression. Rhythms and phrasing are inconsistent with the style and tempo of music.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Solo patterns conform to the key signature and blues scale as needed. Musical phrasing may be inconsistent but rhythms do synchronize with the tempo and style of music.
Fully Meets Expectation

Solo patterns conform to overall tonality Tonic, Dominant, Sub Dominant, and follow musical phrasing. Rhythms synchronize with the tempo and style of music.
Exceeds Expectation

Solo patterns conform with chord progression and follow musical phrasing. Rhythms synchronize with the tempo and style of music.
Not Observed
8 Sight Reading
8.1 Rhythm/Pulse

Needs Improvement

Less than 74% of the rhythms were played correct with a steady pulse.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Between 75-84% of the Rhythms were played correct with a steady pulse.
Fully Meets Expectation

Greater than 85-94% of the rhythms were played correct with a steady pulse
Exceeds Expectation

95-100% of all Rhythms were played correct with a steady pulse
Not Observed
8.2 Key Signature, Notes

Needs Improvement

Less than 74% of the notes were played correct with correct fingerings.
Meets Minimal Expectation

Between 75-84% of the notes were played correct with correct fingerings.
Fully Meets Expectation

Greater than 85-94% of the notes were played correct with correct fingerings.
Exceeds Expectation

95-100% of all notes were played correct with correct fingerings.
Not Observed
8.3 Dynamics

Needs Improvement

No Dynamics were observed
Meets Minimal Expectation

A few Dynamics were observed
Fully Meets Expectation

Most Dynamics were observed
Exceeds Expectation

All Dynamics were observed
Not Observed
8.4 Articulation, Diction

Needs Improvement

no articulations/correct diction was observed
Meets Minimal Expectation

A few articulations/correct diction was observed
Fully Meets Expectation

Most articulations/correct diction was observed
Exceeds Expectation

All articulations/correct diction was observed
Not Observed

  • Rubric Music



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