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iRubric: independent learning skills rubric

iRubric: independent learning skills rubric

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independent learning skills rubric 
Rubric Code: B23CC27
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Independence and Focusing Skills
  diffiiculty meeting expectations

1 pts

progressing toward expectations

2 pts

meeting expectations

3 pts

surpassing expectations

4 pts

works independently

diffiiculty meeting expectations

ignores work missed due to absence

make-up work not completed

workd done only under direct teacher supervison: frequently off task

easily distracted by self and others
creates a distraction for others

ignores independent work or misplaces work

projects lack coherence details and organizations
progressing toward expectations

asks for help in understanding missed work

some delay in making up work

stays on task with reminders and attempts to focus on assigned tasks

easily distracted by others but seldom creates distractions

attempts independent work, but soon runs into difficulty

projects provide basic details and illustration with simple organization which sometimes has gaps
meeting expectations

seeks peer and or teacher assistance to make up missed work

make up work is janded in with a few or single reminder

usually focused in completing assigned tasks

tries had to ignore distraticonms and seldom creates distraction

undertakes independent work, asking for help when necessary

projects have a central focus with a clear organziation sufficent details and illustrations
surpassing expectations

consistantly ensures missed work is made up and checks with peers and then teacher

hands in assignement upon return

consistenly focused on completeing assigned tasks

works through distractions and cause none

independent work competed on time or early with occasional request for clarification

actively attempts projects or independent work

projects have coherence with many evidence approrpiate details and illustrations a strong organziat
uses time efficently

diffiiculty meeting expectations

seldom uses class time to complete tasks or to clarify assignments

little attempt to complete task or assignment unless under direct teacher guidance

loses focus in transitions from one activity to another
progressing toward expectations

sometimes uses class time productively

attempts to complete tasks/assignments in school time : needs reminders

manages transitions from one activiety to another with guidance
meeting expectations

ususally complete class assigned work during alloted time

seldom needs extra time to complete work

manages transtions effectively from one activity to anthor in most circumstances
surpassing expectations

clmpletes task/assignements on time or ahead of time

uses spare time constructivel--works on own interest or projects

moves smoothly from one activity to another, keeping focus
works and organizes carefully

diffiiculty meeting expectations

agenda not regulary completed

avoids homework

work often missing, incomelete or haphazard in thought/organization

disorganized notebooks, caussing wasted time

handwriting /printing messy careless or illegible
progressing toward expectations

complete agenda with regular guidance

takes homework when reminded

work often completed and organized

uses simple system to organize and find work

handwriting shows evidence of effort and care but may lack clarity and consistency
meeting expectations

completes agenda with reminders

checks homework daily

work consistently completed

notebook organized work easily is found

handwriting is clear and legible
surpassing expectations

completes agenda consistently includes aspects of own actitivies

clarifes homework before leaving class

works is carefuloly completed, clearly organized with excellent quality

handwriting is adapted to difficcult tasks



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