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Found 8 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 8 )  
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1 rubric WWII Documentary       popup preview  
Create a 2-5 minute video documentary on WWII battle from the Pacific Theater, I will provide a list. In your documentary you will tell the story of the event, support those facts with pictures and visuals.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Generals of the Battle of Gettysburg       popup preview  
Develop a PowerPoint presentation about the Generals of the Battle of Gettysburg. At least 2 slides on each Generals. Select 2 generals, one Confederate General and one Federal Union General (you can not select Lee for this project). Provide visual graphics/photo of the General, a map segment of the battle the General impacted, and a photo/illustration of the battlefield. Explain their strategy and how their particular segment of the battle impacted the rest of the battle.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric The Stock Market Project       popup preview  
Students will choose stocks from three companies and monitor their prices over a period of time. You will choose one of these stocks and create a brocure that would explain why you would invest into this stock.

Grade levels:  
4 rubric US History Research Paper       popup preview  
Progressive Era Research Project

Grade levels:   N/A
5 rubric Top 5 Roman Emperors poster rubric       popup preview  
The poster will contain information & pictures about your top 5 Roman Emperors from the time period starting with Octavian Augustus and ending with Constantine. You should have 3 major accomplishments for each one you choose. You must choose at least 1 from the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, 1 from the Flavian Dynasty, and 1 from the Five Good Emperors. It must be visually appealing.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Comic book       popup preview  
Each team will present a comic book-styled story. Books should use at least 3 full 8x11 sheets of paper (back and front), how the page is laid out doesn't matter. Books should include full-figured characters. There will be no stick figures. Illustrations should be colorful and as artfully portrayed as possible.

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Published! Magazine Article       popup preview  
You are a Muckraker, Write an investigative article about one of the following issues; Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, Political Corruption, Child Labor, Slum Housing or Racial Discrimination. A successful result will be a well-written magazine article that answers the questions who, what, where, when, and why about the issue you are reporting on. Your article should include a catchy headline! The student must tell whether the event that took place was a slow or quick change.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Battle of the American Revolution       popup preview  
Students will make a presentation for the class, teaching their peers about a major battle during the American Revolutionary War. Students signed up for a battle and they are expected to do a presentation on that battle for their class. Visuals may include: Battle map, designs of the weapons used, or descriptions of the uniforms

Grade levels:   6-8  

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