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Found 15 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 15 )  
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 Title      Built By 
1 rubric Field Trip Participation and Behavior       popup preview  
Expectations of participation and behavior on field trips

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Winter Academy Written Assignments       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Reflection questions       popup preview  
Answer the assignment questions based on what we have covered in class about Destressors

Grade levels:   6-8  
4 rubric Juggling       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric Physical Education/Running players card       popup preview  
Student will reflect on their running scores received during the quarter. They will create a running card (like a baseball card) with their running scores, picture,

Grade levels:   6-8  
6 rubric Running Log Work Completion       popup preview  
How well did you complete your running logs these 5 weeks?

Grade levels:   6-8   Undergrad  
7 rubric Football Route Running       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
8 rubric Flag Football Routes       popup preview  

Grade levels:   6-8  
9 rubric Floor Hockey       popup preview  
Using the rubric, give yourself a score for each area

Grade levels:   6-8  
10 rubric Floor Hockey       popup preview  
Class participated in various drills and games for floor hockey.

Grade levels:   6-8  
11 rubric Floor Hockey       popup preview  
Using the rubric, give yourself a score for each area

Grade levels:   6-8  
12 rubric Abstinence Poster Rubric       popup preview  
The students will work on their own to put together a poster or pamphlet for display. The poster/pamphlet will contain relevant information directly related to the theme of Abstinence. Students will provide accurate information in a creative and colorful poster to educate peers about the chosen topic. The poster must include the definition of abstinence, what influences a teen to make sexual decisions, 4 benefits of remaining abstinent, and 4 or more consequences of being sexually active.

Grade levels:   6-8  
13 rubric Heart Rate & Comprehension Questions Rubric       popup preview  
Assessment of student ability to be able to demonstrate accurately taking a heart rate & process the data received

Grade levels:   6-8  
14 rubric 10 Second Talent Show Video       popup preview  
You will create a video containing a skill you're good at. Your video must have a mastery of at least one of the following physical elements: - Coordination - Flexibility - Strength - Agility - Power - Balance - Speed Must be interesting and unique, must be presented well with enthusiasm, and the skill portion of the video must be at least 10 seconds long. The video can be up to 90 seconds so you can explain how you mastered the skill, etc.

Grade levels:   6-8  
15 rubric Fitness card Project       popup preview  
Students will use their running scores to create a fitness card with the following information: Name, Last name, nickname, period, grade, birthday, answer 4 questions, and 5 goals to improve their running

Grade levels:   6-8  

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