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   Teacher Internet Resources

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 Internet Resources


LD Onine is the world's leading web site on learning disabilities and ADHD, LD OnLine seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD.            URL: 

Pros: The site features hundreds of helpful articles, monthly columns by noted experts, first person essays, children's writing and artwork, a comprehensive resource guide, very active forums, and a Yellow Pages referral directory of professionals, schools, and products.

Cons: specificlly directed to students with disabilities

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a categorized list of sites useful for enhancing curriculum and professional growth. It is updated often to include the best sites for teaching and learning.                                                                                                                URL:

Pros: Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is sponsored by Discovery Channel which sugggest that it is a website educators as well as parents can trust.

Cons: Beginning educator explorers of the Internet might be overwhelmed with so much information.

Lesson plans and resources for ESL Bilingual

Lesson plans and resources for ESL Bilingual and foreign language teachers  is a reource site for links to other ESL sites.


pros: Lots of links to great educational sites.

cons: No educational learning activities on the site.

  National Geographic

National Geographic is known the world over for its wonderful articles and photographs from around the world. This site continues to give educators, parents and students webpages of information, activities,  and upto date global news.
Pros: Natioanl Geographic has kept the educator in mind with a Teachers tools and resource area filled with teacher tools, lesson plans and student activities through theme and projrect based activities.
Cons: Many hours can be spent here exploring and learning.

Awesome Library organizes the Web with 33,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education. This site is for everyone from teachers to kids to College students.
Pros: The front page is free of advertisement and orgainized to be user friendly. Subjects areas are located on a grid format that is easy to use. 
Cons:  A wealth of information at your fingertips can be time consuming. You have to click at least 4 to 5 links before you finally get to a lesson or activity.

The Global Schoolhouse is the original virtual meeting place where educators, students, parents and community members can collaborate, interact, develop, publish and discover learning resources.
Pros: To provide educational opportunities that connect US students with students worldwide, so that they may communicate, collaborate, and learn from one another.
Cons: Registration is necessary. Basic membership is free with restrictions. $45.00 registration for full amenities.


MNet's foundation program examines a wide range of media, including television, film, video games, newspapers, advertising and popular music.The Parents section of our site offers tips for talking to kids about the media, and advice on managing media use in the home. The Educators section includes teaching units and supporting materials designed to Canadian provincial media education outcomes for grades K-12. The Media Issues section examines media-related topics such as stereotyping, violence, privacy, marketing to children, the portrayal of diversity in the media, and online hate.


Pros:  Up to date site with information on how the media affects us and how to play it safe in cyberspace

Cons: Younger students need to be directed through the site.

This site offers teachers a bank of resources. Hundreds of links to educational sites filled with activities, lesson plans, worksheets, and research on 26 webpages.
Pros: Resources at your fingertips that have been tried.
Cons: Time consuming.

PBS Teachers is PBS' national web destination for high-quality preK-12 educational resources. Here you'll find classroom materials suitable for a wide range of subjects and grade levels. PBS provides thousands of lesson plans, teaching activities, on-demand video assets, and interactive games and simulations. These resources are correlated to state and national educational standards and are tied to PBS' award-winning on-air and online programming like NOVA, Nature, Cyberchase, Between the Lions and more.
Pros: Something here for everone.
Cons: None that I can think of. Its PBS?

     Hello - World
Hello - World is an ESL site filled with activities for grades 1 - 5. Teachers students and parents can find free activities in several languages such as French, Spanish, English, and German, just to name a few.
Pros: Activities are colorful and animated. Cartoon animations in the various languages provide pronuounciation support. This site also contains songs for sing - along time.
Cons: Can be used at the middle or high school, but the graphics and animation might be to silly for the older students.  

Edhelper is a teacher site for worksheet activities. It also has a puzzle maker, teacher gradebook and quiz maker
Pros: Worksheet activities for all subject areas including spanish.
Cons: You have to subscribe to this site to use the activities
Suggested prices Individual Accounts:
      edHelper basic subscription - US$19.99 per year
edHelper everything subscription - US$39.98 per year
School Licenses: (a minimum order of five teachers)

The cost of an edHelper school license depends on the number of teachers, the subscription length, and the type of subscription


Portal includes learning pages about the environment for kids, students, teachers, and researchers. Site also includes links to grant programs, training, ...
Pros: This is a government department on and about the environment.
Cons: Most activites are for middle to high school Science Classrooms.

TEA provides lesson plans, curriculum resources and educational resources. Developed for teachers by teachers. As educators ourselves, we have chosen these sites, lessons, and resources from the World Wide Web, and put them together into one site to save teachers from the hassle of searching and surfing the net.
Pros: Professional and academic based information. Helpful information about Texas education, legislature decisions, ands laws.
Cons: You won't find worksheets and puzzel makers here.

This is a Spanish Resource links page.
Pros: Great resources for the Spanish teacher.
Cons: The top menu links on the page are not necessary because they do not go anywhere but to the same page you are on.



