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Kelly Barker's E-Portfolio

Leadership Skills

During the Fall 2008 semester, I spent a total of 72 hours at the Diagnostic Lab at Middle Tennessee Medical Center.  I spent 28 of those hours with a nurse manager and 48 hours in the lab with hands on experience with patients.


I completed a Leadership project for my clinical that involved a resolution for a performance improvement plan.  My Leadership powerpoint included information on the clinical site and my nurse manager, as well as my leadership project with objectives, strengths and weaknesses of my clinical site, and recommendations for the clinical site.


My specific leadership project involved determining the total cost effectiveness of a new MEDRAD contrast injector used during cardiac catherization procedures.  I researched several months worth of data to determine how much contrast was used and wasted with each patient.  By the end of the project, I determined how much money the Diagnostic Lab at MTMC would save on average per patient and per month.  My nurse manager went on to present my project at one of her meetings to prove the cost effectiveness of the MEDRAD contrast injector.



Attached is my Leadership presentation powerpoint:

